   EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously a codification of Sections 171.01, 171.02, 171.99, 575.01 and 575.99 of the 1955 Code, was repealed and re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance A-1702, passed April 10, 1989.
905.01   Definitions.
905.02   City Tree Board.
905.03   Interference with Board prohibited.
905.04   Review of Board decisions by Council.
905.05   Street tree species to be planted.
905.06   Distance of trees from street corners, fireplugs and utilities.
905.07   Public tree care permit.
905.08   Public tree damage
905.09   City maintenance of public trees.
905.10   Tree topping.
905.11   Maintenance and removal of dead, dangerous or diseased trees on private property.
905.12   Removal of stumps.
905.13   Cottonwood trees prohibited.
905.99   Penalty.
      Injury or destruction of trees - see GEN. OFF. 541.06
      Street trees in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1118.10(f)