Nothing in Section 131.24 shall be construed to prevent employees from engaging in the following permissible political activities outside of working hours and off City premises:
   (a)   Registration and voting;
   (b)   Expression of opinions, either oral or written, excepting Municipal candidates;
   (c)   Voluntary financial contributions to political candidates or organizations, excepting Municipal candidates;
   (d)   Circulation of nonpartisan petitions or petitions stating view on legislation;
   (e)   Attendance at political rallies;
   (f)   Signing nominating petitions in support of individuals, excepting Municipal candidates;
   (g)   Display of political materials in the employee's home or on the employee's property, excepting Municipal candidates; and
   (h)   Wearing of political badges or buttons, or the display of political stickers on private vehicles, excepting Municipal candidates.
(Ord. A-2065. Passed 12-23-96.)