The service pipe within and without the premises and through its entire length to the tap in the city water main, together with the stopcock and box must be laid, kept in repair and protected from freezing at the expense of the owner, who shall be responsible for all damages resulting from leaks and breaks. No claims shall be made against the city on account of the breaking of any service pipes or apparatus or for the failure in supply of water. When there is a leak in the street and it is doubtful whether the water is from a break in the city main or from a private service pipe, employees of the public works department shall determine which it is from. If the leak is found to be from the main the public works department will make all repairs, but if it is from the service pipe, the owner of the property or agent will be notified and must immediately take charge of the excavation, repair the leak, replace the street and be responsible for all damages which may result. In case the agent or owner does not make repairs at once, the public works department will proceed, and all bills for labor and materials will become a charge against said property and shall be collected from the owner or agent. In the event such bill is not paid, the enforcement of payment thereof will be performed in the same manner as the payment of bills for water usage. Also, if during water main or meter replacement or repair, a property is found to have a service pipe made of lead or other unapproved material, the service pipe must be replaced. Lead pipe will not be reconnected to the main. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Water charges at the established rate as approved by the City of Sidney City Council will be charged against the property from the date on which the water is turned on until the date on which the water is turned off, but no charge will be made nor water furnished for less than one-half (1/2) the monthly rate. No abatement of water charges shall be allowed by reason of removal from the premises, disuse or diminished use of water, frozen pipes or vacancy of premises, unless approval is given at the time of such removal or disuse by the public works department.
All bills for water, whether by flat rate or meter, are due and payable at the office of the public works department on the first day of each month and will become delinquent on the tenth day of the month. Owners of property served are responsible for all water and service charges. Payments will be accepted from tenants, but that will not relieve the owner of primary responsibility. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Failure to pay for water and service charges or violation of any of the rules and regulations contained in this chapter shall be grounds for discontinuance of water service. Service shall be discontinued in accordance with rules and regulations provided by the public service commission of the state. Any person notified that their service will be discontinued shall be entitled to meet with the city water clerk to present any facts or circumstances that they believe justify their failure to pay water or service charges or other violation of rules and regulations. Any person not satisfied with the determination made by the water clerk after such meeting shall have the right to appeal such decision to the city council in the same manner as set forth for appeals of water service determinations as contained in this chapter. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Agents of the public works department shall have access at all reasonable times and hours, upon notice, to all parts of any building or premises in which water is being delivered from the water mains of the city for the purpose of inspecting the condition of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used and shall also have the right to remove the meters from premises for examination and tests when necessary. Such notice shall not be required in emergency situations. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
The department of public works reserves the right at any time without notice to shut the water off its mains for the purpose of making repairs or extensions, or for any other purpose, and no claim shall be made against the city by reason of the breakage of any service pipe or from any other damages that may result from shutting off the water. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
It shall be unlawful and considered a misdemeanor for any person to perform any of the following acts:
A. To extend either directly or indirectly or cause to be extended any portion of the water supply system without first obtaining in writing the necessary approvals and paying any appropriate fees.
B. With intent to injure or defraud, to break or deface seal on any meter.
C. With intent to injure or defraud, to obstruct, alter, injure or prevent the action of any meter or other instrument used to measure or register the quantity of water supplied to a consumer thereof.
D. To make any connection by means of a pipe or otherwise with any main or pipe used for delivery of water to a consumer thereof in such manner as to take water from said main or pipe without its passage through the meter or other instruments provided for registering the amount or quantity consumed or use any water so obtained.
E. To prevent by the erection of any device or construction, or by any other means free access to any meter or other instrument for registering or measuring the amount of water consumed or to interfere with, obstruct or prevent by any means the reading or inspection of such meter or instrument by any of the employees of the department of public works.
F. To open, close, turn or interfere with or attach to or connect with any fire hydrant main, curb cock or valve without permission from the department of public works, or to disturb or damage any pipe, machinery, tools or other property of the department of public works, or to deface or injure any buildings belonging to or connected with said water system.
G. To throw or deposit any substance into any reservoir or water main. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Contractors, builders or others desiring water for building purposes must make application to the department of public works prior to using the same, and the amount to be paid for such water shall be based upon rates fixed therefor at the time of application. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Whenever possible, no person shall draw any water from the city main during a fire, except for the extinguishment of such fire.
The mayor in cases of emergency, whenever the public safety, health or equitable distribution of water so demands, may prohibit irrigating or the sprinkling of lawns except at designated times. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)