The city council does hereby adopt as the official water service area for the city all land within the city boundaries. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
It shall be the city policy that whenever possible the property being considered for inclusion in the water service area shall have been annexed to the corporate city limits. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
Each application for extension of the water service area shall be made in writing to the director of public works. Such application shall be signed by one hundred percent (100%) of the owners of record of the property under consideration for inclusion in the water service area and shall contain the following:
   A.   A waiver of protest to the creation of any future special improvement district for installation of water and sanitary sewer service.
   B.   An agreement to fully comply with all rules, regulations, resolutions, ordinances and laws governing the providing of water and wastewater service by the city as the same then are or as they may be lawfully changed to from time to time.
   C.   Agree to begin construction of the necessary water and/or wastewater system facilities at a time to be determined by the city council, which time shall be dependent upon the size of the area to be served, the type of financing to be used and any other special conditions existing at the time of application.
   D.   Agree to cooperate fully with the city to the end that the water and wastewater system facilities can be completed in the most cost effective and time effective manner.
Under no circumstances shall the city council grant approval to any applicant for enlargement of the water service area which would include property in the water service area that is beyond the service capabilities of the water supply system of the city.
The public works director, in his recommendations and comments to be submitted to the city council, shall address each of the aforementioned conditions and specifically set forth in writing whether or not the application under consideration fully complies, partially complies, or fails to comply with said conditions. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
The city council shall approve, conditionally approve or deny an application for enlargement of the water service area within sixty (60) days after the date of a public hearing, those times, place and location shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing. The approval or conditional approval of such application shall be in force for a period equal to the time within which development is to be begun under the preceding section. However, prior to the expiration of such time of approval the applicant may request an extension of time, for good cause shown, not to exceed one year. A denial of such application shall be in force for a period of one year from the date of such denial by the city council. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
3-1-8: FEES:
   A.   In the event the city at any time deems it necessary to establish a fee for covering the cost of application review, such fee shall be paid by the applicant at the time the application is submitted.
   B.   There shall be charged a one-time fee for a new connection of any building, facility or mobile home to the city water system. Such fee shall be computed according to the following schedule:
Size Of Dwelling
Unit Value
Amount of Fee
($250.00 /Unit)
Size Of Dwelling
Unit Value
Amount of Fee
($250.00 /Unit)
2 units
4 units
5 units
6 units
6.5 units
7 units
7.5 units
8 units
For the purposes of this section all motels and hotels and all residential structures larger than eight-family shall be charged at a one fee unit per dwelling unit. All mobile homes shall be classified as single-family size dwellings. All other buildings or facilities which are not residential in nature shall be reviewed and charged on a case by case basis using an EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) multiplier based on water service line size. (Ord. 409, 2-5-1990; amd. Ord. 532, 1-9-2012; Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)
All public water supply system facilities required to serve a subdivision, including connecting and cross tie water mains, as well as the water mains in, to, around and through said subdivision shall be installed by and at the expense of the applicants requesting an extension of the water supply system to serve the subdivision in question. Said applicants shall also extend the water supply system to the farthest point or points of their subdivision at their expense. (Ord. 354, 2-21-1984; amd. Ord. 588, 1-19-2021)