12-2-3: APPEALS:
Any applicant whose proposed use of an exemption has been denied by the Subdivision Administrator appeal the decision in writing to the governing body within ten (10) working days of the written decision. The applicant may submit additional evidence to demonstrate eligibility for the claimed exemption. The governing body shall notify the applicant and Subdivision Administrator of the date and time of the review of the appeal. The governing body’s appeal decision shall be provided in writing to the applicant following the review. If the governing body’s decision is to authorize use of the exemption, the survey must be recorded with the written authorization of the governing body.
If the applicant proposing to use an exemption chooses not to appeal a denial or if, upon appeal, the governing body affirms that the applicant is not eligible for the claimed exemption, the applicant may submit a subdivision application for the proposed division of land. (Ord. 591, - -2021)