If the owner or agent of the owner of any lot or parcel of land in front of which any sidewalk, curb or gutter has been ordered constructed shall fail or neglect within thirty (30) days, to construct such sidewalk, curb or gutter, the city council may cause the same to be constructed by the letting of a contract for the construction thereof to the lowest responsible bidder, after advertising for bids for the construction thereof. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
If the construction of such sidewalks, curbs or gutters is done by contract after advertisement for bids, such advertisement for bids and contract may be for sidewalks, curbs or gutters in front of one or more lots or parcels of land as the council shall determine. Any contractor to whom a contract is let for the construction of sidewalks, curbs,or gutters shall before commencing work execute and deliver to the city a good and sufficient bond in a sum not less than double the amount of the contract, which bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of all work done by him under such contract and shall further guarantee the maintenance and durability of said work for a period of not less than three (3) years, which bond shall be approved by the mayor. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
The city council may let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertising for bids a contract for the construction of all sidewalks, curbs and gutters, which may be ordered constructed under the provisions of this chapter and which have not been constructed by the owner or agent of the owner of the property, such construction to be in accordance with the specifications prepared by the director of public works. Said contract shall be for a period not to exceed one year. Said contractor, before he commences any work under his contract, shall be required to deliver to the city a good and sufficient bond in a sum not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), which bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of all work done by him under the provisions of said contract and specifications and shall also guarantee the maintenance and durability of said work for a period of not less than three (3) years. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)