Any person constructing a sidewalk, curb or gutter shall construct complete wheelchair ramps at street corners as directed by the director of public works, either as a portion of a new sidewalk construction or replacement of an existing sidewalk. Complete wheelchair ramps shall be constructed whenever any portion of the sidewalk is constructed or replaced within the limits of the curb radius. A complete wheelchair ramp consists of the curb and gutter radius and sidewalk constructed within the radius in compliance with the current standards and specifications on file in the office of the director of public works. Any and all costs associated with such construction shall be the responsibility of the person performing the construction. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
It shall be the duty of any person constructing a sidewalk to reset any and all of the signs, public utility poles, hydrants, pavement or other appurtenances, to repair or replace any pavement or other street surfacing material removed or disturbed, and to backfill curbs, sidewalks and streets as directed by the director of public works. Any and all costs associated with such construction shall be the responsibility of the person performing the construction. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
The director of public works may authorize variances from standard sidewalk provisions where no curb exists or when unusual topographical conditions, nature of existing construction or similar factors would make adherence to standard provisions unreasonable. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
All work shall be subject to inspection by the director of public works during construction and upon completion. The director of public works shall be notified by permittee after forms are set, and no concrete shall be poured or further construction started until approved by the director of public works. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)