Before any person shall be granted a permit to construct sidewalks, curbs or gutters in the city, which over the course of one year is going to cost more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for labor and materials he shall file with the clerk a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned that such person shall, for a period of two (2) years from and after the date of completion and acceptance by the engineer of any sidewalk, curb or gutter that during said period of two (2) years show any signs of deterioration or disintegration, also that he will indemnify and save harmless the city from all suits, accidents and damages consequent thereupon for or by any reason of any opening in the streets and walks made by him or those in his employ. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
On all sidewalks built in the city there shall be a minimum slope of one-fourth inch to the foot (1/4":1') and all concrete for sidewalk or curb and gutter shall be a minimum of six (6) bag mix. All curbs constructed shall be of the rounded or rolled type curb with gutters. Construction specifications including the location of expansion and contraction joints shall be as provided in section 02528 and 02529 of the "Montana Public Works Standard Specification", third edition. All sidewalks in commercial and industrial areas shall be ten feet (10') wide. All other sidewalks constructed on any of the streets and avenues in the city shall be five feet (5') in width. No deviation from the sizes expressed herein shall be permitted unless authorization is obtained, in writing, from the council. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
No sidewalk, curb or gutter shall be installed unless a grade and line are established therefor. If no grades or lines are available, sidewalks, curbs and gutters may be installed (provided a permit is obtained), but they shall be removed, modified or replaced to conform to grades and lines when established by the city at the sole cost of the property owner abutting the sidewalk, curb or gutter. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)
Any person constructing a sidewalk, curb or gutter shall construct complete wheelchair ramps at street corners as directed by the director of public works, either as a portion of a new sidewalk construction or replacement of an existing sidewalk. Complete wheelchair ramps shall be constructed whenever any portion of the sidewalk is constructed or replaced within the limits of the curb radius. A complete wheelchair ramp consists of the curb and gutter radius and sidewalk constructed within the radius in compliance with the current standards and specifications on file in the office of the director of public works. Any and all costs associated with such construction shall be the responsibility of the person performing the construction. (Ord. 416, 1-3-1994)