Upon the filing with the Council of a verified complaint charging the licensee with the commission of any act which would be cause for suspension or revocation of a license, within one year prior to the date of filing said complaint, the Council shall forthwith issue a citation directing the licensee to appear before the Council within ten (10) days after the date of the service of said citation and, by filing his verified answer to the complaint, show cause, if any, why his license should not be suspended or revoked. Service of the citation may be effected by mailing a true copy thereof with a true copy of the complaint by registered mail addressed to the licensee at his last address of record or by the Chief of Police of this City. Failure of the licensee to answer shall be deemed an admission by him of the truthfulness of the charge made and thereupon the Council shall be authorized to forthwith suspend or revoke the license. (Ord. 472, 10-15-2001)