Pursuant to section 7-5-108 Montana Code Annotated (1999), the council hereby adopts, as the law of this city, title 16, chapters 3, 4 and 6 of the Montana Code Annotated known as the Montana alcoholic beverage code. In doing so, the city hereby recognizes that its power to enforce the Montana alcoholic beverage code and to license and regulate the places of business where alcoholic beverages are sold should at all times be exercised in full concurrence with the exercise of the like power of the legislative assembly of the state of Montana.
Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as an abrogation on the part of this city of its right under the Montana alcoholic beverage code to license and regulate places of business where alcoholic beverages are sold, provided that such regulations imposed by this city shall be reasonable and not in excess of that allowed by the state of Montana. (Ord. 472, 10-15-2001)