The following words and phrases used in this chapter shall be given the following interpretations:
ALCOHOL: Ethyl alcohol, also called ethanol, or hydrated oxide of ethyl.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE: A compound produced and sold for human consumption as a drink that contains more than 0.5 percent of alcohol by volume.
BEER: A malt beverage containing not more than seven percent (7%) of alcohol by weight.
COUNCIL: The city council of Sidney, Montana.
FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION: As used herein, shall include only those lodges and associations having a known and defined existence; and the term "club" as herein used shall mean an association of persons for the promotion of some common object other than the sale of alcoholic beverages, with a permanent membership into which admission cannot be obtained by any person at his pleasure and which is primarily operated for the benefit by any person at his pleasure and which is primarily operated for the benefit of its members and not for the gain or profit of its operation; and provided, further, that it shall be unlawful for any fraternal organization or club to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to the public as a commercial business and the council may at any time require such fraternal organization or club to furnish evidence of its bona fide existence and may refuse or suspend a license if it is found that such applicant or licensee does not conform or is not conforming to this chapter.
LICENSE: A license issued by this city to a qualified person under which it shall be lawful for the licensee to sell and dispense alcoholic beverages at retail as provided in this chapter.
LICENSEE: The person to whom a license is issued.
PUBLIC PLACE: A place, building or conveyance to which the public has or may be permitted to have access and any place of public resort.
All other words and phrases in this chapter, the definitions of which are not herein given, shall be given the ordinary meanings. (Ord. 472, 10-15-2001)