In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this title shall be held to the minimum requirements, adopted for promotion of the public health, safety and the general welfare. Whenever the requirements of this title conflict with requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or resolutions, the most restrictive or that imposing the higher standards shall govern. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)
The commission is hereby required to coordinate with other departments and agencies concerning all permits which may be required in this title and previously or subsequently adopted county ordinances. A one-step permit application and processing procedure shall be developed with the respective departments and agencies for the purpose of reducing errors, misunderstanding, confusion and unnecessary delay for those involved. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)
Should any section or provision of this title be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the title as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)
This title is not to be applied in an ex post facto manner and any use in any zone which is nonconforming at the time of the passage hereof to the area that is not zoned will be allowed to continue and any lot which does not meet the minimum lot requirements of any zone at the time of the passage hereof will be allowed to be used for all purposes for which the area is now zoned if it meets the other requirements of the zone. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)
The commission notes that the terms variances, conditional uses, nonconforming uses, and amendments are terms which have separate and distinct legal meanings and it is the intention of the commission that their legal meaning be applied whenever and wherever the aforesaid terms are used in this title. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)