The City Council may suspend or revoke a license issued under this chapter. Any suspension or revocation of a license shall be accomplished in accordance with the procedure specified in §§ 308.09 and 308.10. In addition, the Council may, without any notice, suspend any license pending a hearing on revocation for a period not exceeding 30 days, which suspension shall be communicated to the licensee personally or by leaving the notification at the licensed premises with the person in charge thereof. Any one of the following shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of a license:
      a.   Failure of the licensed premises or personal licensee to comply with any of the ordinances of the city, rules promulgated thereunder, or statutes of state.
      b.   Control or possession by the owner, manager, lessee, or any employee of the massage business of any alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs or controlled substances on the premises, possession of which is illegal as defined by state statutes or city ordinances.
      c.   Conviction of the owner, manager, lessee, or any employee of the massage business of a violation of any ordinance or state statute or any rule promulgated under either, arising on the premises to which the license was granted under this chapter.
      d.   Conviction of the owner, manager, lessee or any employee of the massage business of prostitution or any other crime or violation involving moral turpitude, sex trafficking, or sexual misconduct on the licensed premises.
      e.   Police report and/or law enforcement investigation deemed by the City Clerk to contain a credible allegation of prostitution, sex trafficking, or criminal sexual misconduct.
      f.   Report of internal investigation by business licensee wherein a personal licensee is suspended or terminated for credible allegations of prostitution or criminal sexual conduct.
      g.   Failure of business licensee to adopt, implement, or effectively utilize a sexual harassment or sexual abuse/assault policy.
      h.   Failure to promptly notify the Director of Community Development of any change in the information or facts required to be submitted in connection with an application for a license.
      i.   Failure of the premises to comply with the health, safety and building regulations of the city and state.
      j.   Presence of the massage business being found to be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of the city.
      k.   Evidence of a material variance, without prior approval of the City Clerk, in the actual plan and design of the premises from the plan submitted pursuant to § 311.14 or from the original design of the premises when initially licensed.
      l.   If a license is revoked pursuant to this section, the licensee cannot apply for a new license for a period of one year after revocation.
(Ord. 600, passed 4-10-2023)