(A)   Two vehicles passing or about to pass each other in opposite directions shall have the right-of-way, and no other vehicle to the rear of those two vehicles shall pass or attempt to pass either of those vehicles.
   (B)   Vehicles proceeding from opposite directions shall pass each other from the right, each giving to the other one-half of the highway as nearly as possible.
   (C)   Every person operating a vehicle on a highway and approaching any animal being ridden or driven, shall exercise every reasonable precaution to prevent frightening the animal and to insure the safety of the person riding or driving it. If the animal appears frightened, the operator, when requested by a signal of the hand by the driver or rider of the animal, shall not proceed further toward the animal, unless the movement is necessary to avoid injury or accident, until the animal is under the control of its rider or driver.
(KRS 189.310) (Ord. 44-1939, passed 7-21-39) Penalty, see § 71.99