The Chief of Police shall have full power to carry into effect all the legal orders, laws and ordinances made by Council and shall be the ministerial agent or officer of the City Manager and shall execute all writs, processes, warrants, executions and other lawful orders of the City Manager or persons lawfully exercising the powers of the City Manager and shall collect all fines and penalties imposed by the City Manager and Council; shall preserve the peace and good order of the city and apprehend and take before the City Manager and formally charge all persons seen or heard by him or her to have violated any of the laws and ordinances of the city; shall have control and custody of all prisoners and shall feed the same at the expense of the city; and he or she shall exercise any and all other lawful duties and powers conferred on him or her by the Council and the laws of the state, and he or she shall have the right to call to his or her assistance in the performance of his or her duties, when necessary, any able-bodied male person not under 21 and or over 50 years of age.
(Prior Code, § 137.01)