(A)   All applicants are encouraged to exceed the minimum elevation requirements contained herein. Flood insurance rates can be lowered significantly by increasing the elevation of the lowest floor above the freeboard height required by this chapter.
   (B)   Depending on the type of structure involved, the following information shall also be included in the application for work within the special flood hazard area:
      (1)   For structures to be elevated two feet above the base flood elevation:
         (a)   A plan showing the size of the proposed structure and its relation to the lot where it is to be constructed;
         (b)   A determination of elevations of the base flood, existing ground, proposed finished ground and lowest floor, certified by a registered professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor;
         (c)   Plans showing the method of elevating the proposed structure including details of proposed fills, pile structures, retaining walls, foundations, erosion protection measures and the like. When required by the Floodplain Administrator, a registered professional engineer or architect shall prepare these plans;
         (d)   Plans showing the methods used to protect utilities (including sewer, water, telephone, electric, gas and the like) from flooding to two feet above the base flood elevation at the building site;
         (e)   During the course of construction, as soon as the basic elements of the lowest floor are in place and before further vertical construction, it is highly recommended that the applicant check for error by obtaining elevation data completed by a registered professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor certifying the height of the lowest floor. If a mistake in elevation has been made, this is the best time to correct the error;
         (f)   A finished construction elevation certificate shall be prepared by a licensed professional surveyor or others of demonstrated qualifications. The elevation certificate shall confirm that the structure in question, together with attendant utilities is elevated in compliance with permit conditions; and
         (g)   A non-conversion agreement shall be signed by the applicant whenever the city determines that the area below the first floor could be converted to a non-conforming use (generally applies to enclosed areas below base flood elevation that are five feet high or more). This agreement shall state:
            1.   The area below base flood elevation shall not be converted for use other than for parking, building access or for allowable storage as detailed in this chapter; and
            2.   The applicant agrees to notify prospective buyers of the existence of the non- conversion agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to transfer the agreement at closing to the new owner via notarized signature, a copy of all new agreements shall be provided to the Floodplain Administrator. Failure to transfer the agreement and provide a signed copy to the Floodplain Administrator shall subject the violator to the penalties set forth in § 153.999 of this chapter.
      (2)   For structures to be flood-proofed to two feet above the base flood elevation (non- residential structures only): all applicants are encouraged to exceed the minimum flood-proofing requirements contained herein. Flood insurance rates can be lowered significantly by increasing the level of flood-proofing above the height required by this chapter. In order to obtain an “elevation credited” flood insurance rate on dry flood-proofed buildings, flood-proofing must extend at least one foot above the base flood elevation.
         (a)   Plans showing details of all flood-proofing measures, prepared by a registered professional engineer, showing the size of the proposed structure and its relation to the lot where it is to be constructed.
         (b)   A determination of elevations of the base flood, existing ground, proposed finished ground, lowest floor and flood-proofing limits; certified by a registered professional engineer or licensed professional surveyor.
         (c)   A flood-proofing certificate, FEMA 81-65, as revised by FEMA, shall be prepared by the registered professional engineer who prepared the plans in division (B)(2)(a) above, stating that the finished structure, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities is designed so that:
            1.   The structure is water tight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water from the lowest structural element to two feet above the base flood elevation; and
            2.   The structure will withstand the hydrostatic, hydrodynamic, buoyant, impact and other forces resulting from the flood depths, velocities, pressures and other factors associated with the base flood.
      (3)   For appurtenant structures constructed of flood resistant materials used solely for parking of vehicles or limited storage, (appurtenant structures only).
         (a)   A site plan prepared by a licensed professional surveyor or others of demonstrated qualifications showing elevation of existing ground, proposed finished ground and lowest floor. The plan shall also show details of proposed flood resistant materials usage and the size of the proposed structure and its relation to the lot where it is to be constructed. The location of the floodway boundary shall be represented on the plan when a floodway is present on the site.
         (b)   An elevation certificate, based on finished construction, must be prepared by a licensed professional surveyor or others of demonstrated qualifications. The elevation certificate confirm that the structure in question, together with attendant utilities is designed so that:
            1.   Flood resistant materials as detailed in FEMA Technical Bulletin No. 2 are used in the construction of the structure from the lowest structural element to two feet above the base flood elevation and that all utilities are located at least two feet above the base flood elevation;
            2.   Hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls are equalized by allowing for automatic entry and exit of flood waters. Designs for meeting this requirement shall either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or meet or exceed the following minimum criteria:
               a.   A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided;
               b.   The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade; and
               c.   Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves or other coverings or devices; provided that, they permit the automatic entry and exit of flood waters.
         (c)   In addition, the applicant shall sign a non-conversion agreement and notify prospective buyers of the existence of the agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to transfer the non-conversion agreement to any new owner at closing via notarized signature. A signed copy of the transferred non-conversion agreement shall be provided to the Floodplain Administrator. Failure to transfer the agreement and provide a signed copy to the Floodplain Administrator shall subject the violator to the penalties set forth in § 153.999 of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 6-11-2012)