(A) (1) No person shall carry a concealed deadly weapon, without a state license or other lawful authorization established under the provisions of W.Va. Code §§ 61-7-4 et seq.
(2) Whoever violates this section shall, for a first offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior Code, § 545.02)
(B) The licensure provisions set forth in W.Va. Code Art. 61-7 shall not apply to:
(1) Any person carrying a deadly weapon upon his or her own premises, nor shall anything herein prevent a person from carrying any firearm, unloaded, from the place of purchase to his or her home, residence or place of business or to a place of repair and back to his or her home, residence or place of business, nor shall anything herein prohibit a person from possessing a firearm while hunting in a lawful manner or while traveling from his or her home, residence or place of business to a hunting site, and returning to his or her home, residence or place of business;
(2) Any person who is a member of a properly organized target-shooting club authorized by law to obtain firearms by purchase or requisition from the state, or from the United States for the purpose of target practice, from carrying any pistol, as defined in § 134.30 of this chapter, unloaded, from his or her home, residence or place of business to a place of target practice, and from any such place of target practice back to his or her home, residence or place of business, for using any such weapon at such place of target practice in training and improving his skill in the use of such weapons;
(3) Any law enforcement officer or law enforcement official as such are defined in W.Va. Code § 30-29-1;
(4) Any employee of the state’s Department of Corrections duly appointed pursuant to the appropriate provisions, while such employee is on duty;
(5) Any member of the armed forces of the United States or the militia of the state while such member is on duty;
(6) Any circuit judge, including any retired circuit judge designated senior status by the state, prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney or a duly appointed investigator employed by a prosecuting attorney;
(7) Any resident of another state who has been issued a license to carry a concealed weapon by a state or a political subdivision which has entered into a reciprocity agreement with the state; and
(8) Any federal law enforcement officer or federal police officer authorized to carry a weapon in the performance of the officer’s duty.
(Prior Code, § 545.03) Penalty, see § 134.99
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see W.Va. Code § 61-7-6