(A)   The license tax to operate a roller-coaster, merry-go-round, scenic railway or like device shall be for one week, in an amount set by Council from time to time each; for three months, in an amount set by Council from time to time each; six months, in an amount set by Council from time to time each; one year, in an amount set by Council from time to time each. The license fee to operate doll baby rack, cane rack, knife rack, striking machine, jingle board, punch board, artful dodger, candy wheel or other schemes or devices by which merchandise or other things of value is disposed of, by game or chance or like device, or human laundry device, or dip device, in an amount set by Council from time to time for one week; for three months, in an amount set by Council from time to time; for six months, in an amount set by Council from time to time; and for one year, in an amount set by Council from time to time.
   (B)   The license fee to conduct a theatrical performance of any kind shall be in an amount set by Council from time to time for each week; provided, however, that, in lieu of the fees for conducting a theatrical performance, as above set out, a theater, opera house or other permanent place for public shows may be kept or maintained upon the payment of the fees for such theater, opera house or other permanent place for public shows as follows: for three months, the fee shall be in an amount set by Council from time to time; for six months, in an amount set by Council from time to time; and for one year, in an amount set by Council from time to time.
(Prior Code, § 741.10)