(A)   There is hereby created the city’s Office of Emergency Services, which shall consist of the following members: the City Manager, who shall be ex-officio Chairperson of the Office of Emergency Services; the Chiefs of Police and Fire of the city; and one other member to be nominated and appointed by Council, not more than three of whom shall be of the same political party. In nominating and appointing the one member, Council shall consider the political affiliations of the four ex-officio members in order to comply with the requirement that not more than three members of Council shall be of the same political party. If, after the appointment of such member, this requirement is not met, the City Manager shall fill the vacancy with a registered professional engineer or the appropriate political party.
   (B)   The terms of all ex-officio members shall follow the term of their respective municipal offices.
   (C)   The term of such registered professional engineer shall be at the will and pleasure of the City Manager. The term of Council’s appointee shall be until the second regular meeting of Council following the next regular municipal election for Council members.
(Prior Code, § 107.02)