(A)   Public health standards must be met for all floodplain development.
   (B)   In addition to the requirements of §§ 151.481 and 151.482, the following standards apply.
      (1)   No development in the floodplain shall include locating or storing chemicals, explosives, buoyant materials, flammable liquids, pollutants or other hazardous or toxic materials below the flood protection elevation unless the materials are stored in a floodproofed and anchored storage tank and certified by a professional engineer or floodproofed building constructed according to the requirements of § 151.481.
      (2)   Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas and electric shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.
      (3)   Public sanitary sewer systems and water supply systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters.
      (4)   New and replacement on-site sanitary sewer lines or waste disposal systems shall be located and constructed to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. Manholes or other above ground openings located below the flood protection elevation shall be watertight.
      (5)   Critical facilities shall be protected to the 500-year flood elevation. In addition, all ingress and egress from any critical facility must be protected to the 500-year flood elevation.
   (C)   All other activities defined as development shall be designed so as not to alter flood flows or increase potential flood damages.