(A)   Dwelling unit density and area.
      (1)   The number of dwelling units which may be constructed within a Planned Residential Development will be determined by dividing the portion of the project area that is able to be counted toward meeting lot minimum size requirements as defined in § 151.222 by the required lot area per dwelling unit which is required in the zoning district in which the planned development is located. In cases where the land to which the plan pertains is divided into two or more adjoining districts of differing restrictions, the maximum number of dwelling units which may be located on the entire development parcel may not exceed the combination of the aggregate number of dwelling units permitted on each such parcel. In each planned residential development, the minimum lot size for any single-family residential structure located within the development shall be an average of 12,500 square feet with none being smaller than 8,000 square feet. Dwelling requirements, including setbacks, in the planned residential development will comply with the base zoning district requirements applicable to the development.
      (2)   In instances where the proposed PRD is in a multi-family zone, the Village Board may consider a minimum lot size conforming to § 151.185 rather than the minimum lot size of 8,000 square feet listed above. The minimum lot size listed in § 151.185 shall only apply to areas that are zoned multi-family.
   (B)   Ground coverage.
      (1)   The percentage of ground coverage and/or percentage of lot coverage of a planned residential development to be occupied by buildings, lot improvements and structures not included in common open space shall be the same as permitted in the existing zoning district in which the parcel or zoning lot is located.
      (2)   However, in unique situations, the Village Board may consider reducing the side setback requirements if the developer proposes enhancements not specifically required by code.
   (C)   Common open space.
      (1)   Common open space shall be provided in all planned residential developments for the benefit of all residents of the development and shall be of a design approved by the Planning Commission and Village Board. Construction and completion of all common open space and other common use or public facilities included in the plan for the development shall occur at an equivalent or greater rate than the construction of residential structures within the development.
      (2)   The Planning Commission and Village Board shall establish conditions necessary to assure the preservation and maintenance of common open space for their intended purpose as demonstrated in the development plan. The developer shall give legally enforceable assurances satisfactory to the Planning Commission and Village Board, that common open space and/or public facilities shall be properly developed and maintained throughout the life of the planned residential development.
      (3)   The area of any outlot or common open space locations shall not be less than 6,000 square feet in area nor less than 30 feet in its smallest dimension. In addition, common open space shall be contiguous or connected via the pedestrian/bicycle path.
      (4)   Common open spaces should be distributed equitably throughout the development in relation to the dwelling units that such common open space is intended to serve. The common space shall not be isolated in one corner of the development, but shall be highly accessible (physically and/or visually) to the residents of the development
   (D)   Perimeter buffer requirements.
      (1)   Where a PRD development proposes residential development along the perimeter of the site, which is higher in density than that of an adjacent dwelling district, there shall be a minimum 30-foot wide buffer area. The buffer area shall be kept free of buildings or structures and shall be landscaped or protected by natural features so that all higher-density residential buildings are effectively screened from the abutting lower density residential property.
      (2)   Where a PRD development abuts a commercial or industrial use or district, there shall be a minimum 30-foot wide buffer area. This buffer area shall be permanent and landscaped and otherwise provided with screening (i.e., sight proof fencing) so as to effectively screen the commercial or industrial use from the PRD development.
   (E)   Deed covenants.
      (1)   The planned residential development plan shall contain such covenants, easements and other provisions relating to the bulk, location and density, of all structures, including residential structures, non-residential structures, common facilities, public facilities and other structures, within the development as are necessary for the welfare of the planned residential development project and are not inconsistent with the best interest of the village.
      (2)   Such covenants shall include provisions for the creation and maintenance of homeowner or property owner associations to maintain common open space, common facilities and public facilities within the development, and shall be a requirement for such developments. All such deed covenants and similar instruments shall be subject to approval by the Planning Commission and the Village Board. All developments shall provide for such means, through home owner or property owner associations or the equivalent, to provide for the maintenance of all common open spaces, common facilities and public facilities within the development.
   (F)   Landscaping and utility lines.
      (1)   All required open space, parking lot islands and all land area not otherwise developed shall be appropriately landscaped in a manner, with village approval, that enhances the appearance of the planned residential development project (see also landscaping requirements elsewhere in this Code.)
      (2)   All utility lines shall be installed beneath the surface of the ground and a planned layout and specifications to accomplish these requirements shall be submitted to the village staff as an integral part of the planned residential development plan. All planned residential developments shall be provided with public water and public sanitary sewer systems.
   (G)   Parking.
      (1)   Sufficient parking shall be provided on the same site as the use which it is intended to serve.
      (2)   The parking must be in an amount comparable to the requirements for the zoning district in which the parcel is located.
      (3)   Additional parking may be required where it is deemed necessary for proper development of the planned residential development, or provision of space to add future parking may be required as part of the development.
   (H)   Natural features. Provision is to be made in each plan to accommodate, preserve and assure the maintenance of unique natural and human-made amenities such as streams, stream banks, flood plains, wooded areas, riparian corridors, rough terrain, historic sites and similar areas consistent with the development of the planned residential development. (See Conservation Overlay in Comprehensive Plan for further information.)