(A)   A vacuum test shall be conducted on all manholes to ensure watertightness and manhole integrity. Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C 1244.
   (B)   The equipment required to conduct a vacuum test on manholes includes inflatable pipe plugs, test head, vacuum pump, flexible air hose and a vacuum gage. The test equipment shall be capable of drawing a vacuum of ten inches of mercury (Hg). The equipment shall be designed specifically for the purpose of testing manholes and shall be as manufactured by P.A. Glazier, Inc., Worchester, Massachusetts, 10002 or approved equal.
   (C)   The procedure for conducting an air test on manholes shall be in accordance with the following procedure:
      (1)   Each manhole shall be tested immediately after assembly and prior to setting the casting or backfilling around the structure;
      (2)   All lift holes shall be plugged with non-shrink grout;
      (3)   All pipes entering the manhole shall be securely plugged and adequately braced against the inside of the manhole to prevent being drawn out of the pipe;
      (4)   The test head shall be placed on the inside of the cone section and sealed with an inflatable seal;
      (5)   A vacuum of ten inches of mercury (Hg) shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off. With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum to drop to nine inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than the following:
Manhole Size
Minimum Test Time
48 inches
60 seconds
60 inches
75 seconds
72 inches
90 seconds
(Ord. 2002-5-1, passed 5-14-02; Am. Ord. 2013-3-1, passed 3-28-13)