(A)   The town shall establish, construct, equip, own, operate and maintain sewage works, together with the equipment and appurtenances as may be necessary or useful and convenient for the collection, treatment, purification and disposal in a sanitary manner of the sewage and industrial wastes of the town, including the necessary lands, rights-of-way or other property therefor within or without the corporate limits of the town, under and pursuant to IC 36-9-23, as amended, and ail laws supplemental thereto (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “the Act”).
   (B)   The terms SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS, WORKS, PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS (POTW) and other like terms, where used in this chapter, shall be construed to mean and include all the structures and property.
   (C)   The sewage works consists of existing or acquired: land, easements, rights-of-way, trunk sewers, connection(s) and local sewers, lift station(s), force main(s), sewage treatment facilities and other equipment, accessories and appurtenances, as documented and on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer of the town.
('85 Code, § 4-4-1) (Ord. 1983-9, passed 11-8-83; Am. Ord. 2013-3-1, passed 3-28-13)