(A)   Maintenance of all storm water management facilities shall be ensured through the creation of a formal maintenance covenant that must be approved by the approving agency and recorded in the office of the county’s Clerk prior to final plan approval. The covenant shall include a schedule for proper and periodic maintenance to ensure proper functioning of all storm water facilities subject thereto.
   (B)   The maintenance covenant shall also provide for the following:
      (1)   An annual self-inspection to review and document maintenance and repair needs and to ensure compliance with the requirements of this chapter;
      (2)   Periodic self-inspections to ensure proper performance between scheduled maintenance;
      (3)   Any maintenance schedule shall include provisions for the removal of silt, litter and other debris from all catch basins, inlets and drainage pipes, for grass cutting and vegetation removal and for necessary replacement of any landscape vegetation;
      (4)   All maintenance needs shall be documented and addressed in a timely manner to ensure proper functioning of the facilities;
      (5)   Self-inspection reports shall be maintained and made available to the approving agency upon request; and
      (6)   The approving agency may require additional inspections and maintenance as deemed necessary to ensure proper functioning of the storm water facilities and compliance with this chapter and the approved plan.
(Ord. 012-118, passed 10-8-2012)