(A)   The city will operate a list for wrecker rotations. There will be a limit of three wrecker companies allowed on this list.
   (B)   Each company will be placed upon the list in alphabetical order. Calls are rotated on a one call basis. No company and/or owner will be permitted to occupy more than one space on the list.
   (C)   For the purpose of this section, a wrecker company will be designated as a single place of business. Multiple wrecker services operating from a single location will be counted as one business.
   (D)   Prior to being included on the rotation list, all wrecker companies shall be subject to an inspection by the Code Enforcement Officer or designee. Upon approval, the wrecker company shall be subject to future inspections by the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her designee to ensure compliance with all regulations contained in this order, laws and policies governed by the state.
   (E)   A signed acknowledgment of this chapter must be on file with the Code Enforcement Officer prior to any company being listed.
(Ord. 010-780, passed 6-28-2010)