For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCIDENT. Any occurrence which renders a vehicle wrecked or disabled, as defined in this section.
   AUTHORIZED PUBLIC AGENCY. The city’s Police Department, city’s Fire Department or the city’s Code Enforcement.
   CITY. The City of Shepherdsville, Kentucky.
   COMBINATION VEHICLE. Any vehicle containing more than one unit connected together by hitch or hitches, including, but not limited to, semi-trailer truck units.
   DISABLED. Rendered unsafe to be driven as a result of some occurrence other than a wreck, including, but not limited to, mechanical failures or breakdowns, fire, vandalism; or in a safe driving condition, but the owner or other authorized person is not present, able or permitted to drive, so as to reasonably require that such vehicle be removed by a wrecker; and including vehicles determined to be abandoned by an authorized public agency.
   EMERGENCY WRECKER COMPANY. A person or firm operating an emergency wrecker service.
   EMERGENCY WRECKER SERVICE. Towing of a vehicle pursuant to this chapter upon a request of an authorized public agency, and storage of such vehicles, but does not include towing pursuant to an owner preference request.
   IMPOUNDED VEHICLE. Any vehicle which has been towed and impounded pursuant to this subchapter, release of which may be authorized only by an authorized public agency.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. Any vehicle which is self-propelled and which has a vehicle identification number.
   OWNER. Any person who holds legal title to a vehicle.
   OWNER PREFERENCE REQUEST. A request directly from the owner or person in charge of a wrecked or disabled vehicle to any tow service company, including requests relayed by an authorized public agency, for the services of a designated emergency wrecker company to remove a specific vehicle to a specific location.
   STREET. Any street, alley, avenue, lane, public parking lot or highway within the corporate limits of the city.
   VEHICLE. Every device in, upon or by which persons or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a street and which has a vehicle identification number, but not including devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
   VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER or VIN. An identifying number, serial number, engine number, transmission number or other essential number or mark, placed on a vehicle, engine, transmission or other essential part by its manufacturer, by the authority of the state’s Division of Motor Vehicles or in accordance with the laws of another state or county.
   WRECKED. Damaged as the result of mechanical breakdown or collision with another vehicle or object so as to reasonably require that such vehicle be removed by a wrecker.
   WRECKER. Any motor vehicle designed or used primarily for towing or otherwise removing wrecked or disabled vehicles.
   WRECKER ROTATION LIST. A list of authorized emergency wrecker companies maintained by the Code Enforcement Officer and used to establish the order in which an emergency communications dispatcher will notify an emergency wrecker company to remove a vehicle that is wrecked, disabled or which may otherwise be ordered towed by an authorized public agency.
(Ord. 010-780, passed 6-28-2010)