(A) Notwithstanding the authority given to the Board of Zoning Appeals above, this chapter shall be enforced by the Board of Works and Safety, and whatever city department(s), city official(s), or city employee(s) the Board wishes to designate or appoint.
(B) The Board shall approve a set of enforcement procedures that shall govern the enforcement of this chapter. The enforcement procedures shall be published and be made freely available to the public upon request.
(C) All sections of this chapter may be enforced through a proceeding before the Board of Works and Safety, and at the discretion of the City Attorney.
(D) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which another penalty is not specifically provided shall be punished as provided under § 10.99.
(E) Any person who violates any provision contained in this chapter shall be subject to a penalty for each and every such violation of this chapter, and each day a violation is permitted to continue may constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 07-2604, passed 1-7-08)