(A)   A separate fund is established to be known as the Cash Change Fund and Petty Cash Fund.
   (B)   A Cash Change Fund shall be established by a warrant drawn on the appropriate fund in an amount determined by the Clerk Treasurer or the Clerk’s designee. The city Clerk Treasurer is hereby authorized to determine the amount without need for appropriation by the Common Council. Said determined amount shall be added to the Internal Control Standards.
   (C)   The officer or employee who establishes a Cash Change Fund shall convert the warrant to cash, shall use it to make change when collecting cash revenues, and shall account for it as prescribed in the Internal Control Standards adopted under § 32.05. Any officer or employee who draws a warrant is individually responsible for the custody and safekeeping of such cash.
   (D)   The entire Cash Change Fund shall be returned to the fund from which it was advanced when the fund is no longer needed or when a change in custodian occurs.
   (E)   The custodian of the Petty Cash Fund shall use it to pay small or emergency items of operated expenses and shall account for funds as prescribed in the Internal Control Standards adopted under § 32.05.
   (F)   Established and authorized Cash Change Fund and petty cash accounts:
Name of Account
Fund Type
Name of Account
Fund Type
Clerk Treasurer ’s Petty Cash
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Petty cash
Clerk Treasurer or designee
City Hall Cash Change
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Clerk Treasurer or designee
Shelbyville Parks and Recreation Department
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Department head or designee
Shelbyville Parks and Recreation Departme nt
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Petty cash
Department head or designee
Shelbyville Public Utilities Office
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Department head or designee
Shelbyville Street Departme nt
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Department head or designee
Animal Shelter
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Department head or designee
Shelbyville Waster Water Recovery Facility
Determined by Clerk Treasurer
Cash change
Department head or designee
   (G)   Documentation of authorized amount and any designated custodian shall be maintained in the Clerk Treasurer’s office.
(Ord. 21-2902, passed 5-17-21)