A.   Duty To Repair; Safety Measures: It shall be the duty of the owners and tenants of any premises within the limits of the city to keep the sidewalk, curb and gutter, or any combination thereof, in front of and adjoining their premises, in good, safe and substantial condition, and the owners and tenants shall see that all breaks or unsoundness resulting from natural deterioration, or from any cause whatever, be repaired with all possible dispatch, and when by reason of the construction or repairs of sidewalks, curbs and gutters, or any combination thereof, from any cause whatsoever, any sidewalk, curb and gutter or section thereof is removed or rendered dangerous or impassable to the public, such spaces or openings shall be securely fenced and from dark until sunrise red lights shall be maintained thereon, while such dangerous condition exists 1 ; and a plank walk not less than two inches (2") in thickness and not less than three feet (3') in width shall be constructed around such construction or dangerous walk, the same to extend from sidewalk to sidewalk, curb to curb and gutter to gutter, on each side of the opening or obstruction. (1975 Code § 12.08.010)
   B.   Failure To Repair: Any sidewalk, curb and gutter or any combination thereof which is now or may, by reason of natural deterioration or decay, or by unevenness, steps, rapid slopes or from any cause whatsoever, be dangerous to the public safety, may be condemned by the city council, and may be, by order of the city council, immediately removed, remodeled, rebuilt, repaired or newly built, as in the city council's judgment to be most expedient. The cost thereof shall be a lien upon the lot abutting upon such sidewalk, curb and gutter, or any combination thereof, and may be recovered by a suit before any court of competent jurisdiction against the owner or may be assessed and collected as a special tax against the lot. (1975 Code § 12.08.020)



1. See section 9-2-7 of this title.