A.   Basic Rule: A person operating or driving a vehicle of any character on a street or thoroughfare within the municipality shall drive the same in a careful and prudent manner, and at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the amount and character of traffic, condition of brakes, weight of vehicle, grade and width of highway, condition of surface and freedom of obstruction to view ahead, and he shall drive it so as not to unduly or unreasonably endanger the life, limb, property or other rights of a person entitled to the use of the street or thoroughfare.
   B.   Intersections; Railway Grade Crossing; Curves: The driver of a vehicle shall, consistent with subsection A of this section, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hillcrest, when traveling upon a narrow or winding roadway, and when a special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway condition. (1975 Code § 10.08.050)