The following uses shall be permitted in the B-1 Neighborhood Business District:
   (a)   The following retail, personal service and business and professional office uses, provided that a six-foot high obscuring fence is provided on those side and rear yards abutting an R- Residential District and provided, further, that no more than one directional advertisement oriented to each abutting road will be permitted:
      (1)   Retail stores primarily engaged in selling merchandise for personal or household consumption and rendering services incidental to the sale of such goods, including:
         A.   Hardware stores;
         B.   Grocery stores;
         C.   Meat and fish markets;
         D.   Candy, nut and confectionery stores;
         E.   Dairy products stores;
         F.   Retail bakeries;
         G.   Drug and proprietary stores;
         H.   Liquor stores;
         I.   Florists;
         J.   Toy, gift and book stores; and
         K.   Pet shops.
      (2)   Personal service establishments, including:
         A.   Eating and drinking places (excluding those in the nature of a drive-in);
         B.   Self-service laundries and dry cleaners;
         C.   Beauty shops;
         D.   Barber shops;
         E.   Shoe repair shops, shoe shine shops; and
         F.   Pressing, alteration and garment repair.
      (3)   Business and professional offices, including:
         A.   Commercial and stock savings banks;
         B.   Credit agencies;
         C.   Personal credit unions;
         D.   Insurance agents, brokers and service;
         E.   Real estate agents and brokers;
         F.   Offices of physicians and surgeons;
         G.   Offices of chiropractors;
         H.   Legal services;
         I.   Accountants; and
         J.   Tax consultants.
   (b)   Townhouse dwellings, provided that there will be no more than 12 townhouse dwellings in any contiguous group;
   (c)   Multiple-family dwellings, three stories or less in height, subject to the review and approval of a site plan by the City Planning Commission and subject to the following:
      (1)   The proposed development shall have one property line abutting an arterial thoroughfare.
      (2)   A 15-foot wide greenbelt, measured from the lot line, shall be provided on those side or rear yards abutting a one-family or two-family residential development. Such fence or screening devices shall not have any opening except such openings as may be required by the Fire Chief for vehicular or emergency access to the proposed development.
   (d)   Accessory buildings and uses as regulated in § 1296.01;
   (e)   Parking and loading as regulated in Chapter 1294; and
   (f)   All uses permitted in the R-3 Residential District.
(Ord. 8-99, passed 6-7-1999; Ord. 38-2013, passed 12-16-2013)