The following uses shall be permitted in the R-3 Residential District:
(a) One-family dwellings;
(b) Two-family dwellings;
(c) Townhouse dwellings, provided that there will be no more than 12 townhouse dwellings in any contiguous group;
(d) Multiple-family dwellings, two stories or less, subject to review and approval of a site plan by the City Planning Commission and subject to the following:
(1) The proposed development shall have one property line abutting an arterial or collector thoroughfare or the boundary line of a B-Business or I-Industrial District.
(2) A 15-foot wide greenbelt, measured from the lot line, shall be provided on those side or rear yards abutting a one-family or two-family residential development.
(3) A six-foot high obscuring fence, measured from the surface of the ground, shall be provided wherever a parking lot abuts onto lot lines on a one- or two-family residential development. The fence or screening device shall not have any opening, except such openings as may be required by the Fire Chief for vehicular or emergency access to the proposed development.
(e) Public schools, parks and recreational facilities;
(f) Accessory buildings and uses as regulated in § 1296.01; and
(g) Automobile parking spaces as regulated in Chapter 1294.
(Ord. 1-91, passed 3-4-1991)