(a)   Before constructing, changing the use of, or making structural modifications in any building (including accessory buildings), or changing the use of any premises, application shall be made to the Zoning Inspector for a zoning certificate. The application shall include the following information:
      (1)   A plat plan, drawn to a scale of not less than ten feet to the inch, showing the actual shape, location and exact dimensions of the property to be built upon;
      (2)   The shape, size and location of all buildings and other structures to be erected, altered or moved, and of any building or other structure already on the property;
      (3)   The existing and intended use of the property, including, in residential areas, the total number of dwelling units to be accommodated in the building; and
      (4)   Any other pertinent data that may be required to determine whether the provisions of this Zoning Code are being observed properly.
   (b)   Within 20 days after receipt of the application, the Zoning Inspector shall issue a zoning certificate if the application complies with the requirements of this Zoning Code and the application is accompanied by a proper fee, as indicated in § 1262.08, below. If such certificate is refused for cause, the applicant shall be notified of such refusal and cause within the 20-day period.
   (c)   Unless construction is started within one year from the date of issuance, the zoning certificate shall become void and a new certificate shall be required upon proper application.
(Ord. 1-91, passed 3-4-1991)