(a)   No person shall discharge any BB gun, air gun, arrow, crossbow, slingshot or other contrivance for ejecting, discharging or otherwise throwing or shooting any missile, pellet, stone, bolt, metal or other substance capable of causing injury to anyone, in or upon any street, park or other public ground, or from or out of any yard, lot or building into any yard, lot, street, alley, park or other public or private ground.
   (b)   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit or render it unlawful to possess, use or furnish for use, bows and arrows, in or upon any public ground or park belonging to the city, for the purpose of participating in or receiving or giving instruction and training in archery tournaments, target practice, marksmanship and the proper handling, use and care of bows and arrows, or in or upon any suitable range designated and laid out by the Department of Recreation.
   (c)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree for a second offense.
(Ord. 22A-81, passed 9-8-1981)