Ord. No.   Date   Description
1934-21    6-5-34    Regulating price of electricity from Ohio Public Service Co. for 5 yrs.
1937-48    8-17-37    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Public Service Co.
1940-75    8-20-40    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Public Service Co.
1940-76    8-20-40    With Ohio Public Service Co. for street lighting.
1945-112    8-7-45    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Public Service Co.
1945-113   9-18-45    With Ohio Public Service Co. for street lighting.
1950-158   4-17-50    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Public Service Co.
1951-168   8-20-51    With Ohio Fuel Gas Co. for gas service for 10 yrs.
1955-195   6-20-55    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co. Repeals Ord. 194   5-112; amends Ord. 1937-48.
1955-197    7-6-55    With Ohio Edison Co. for electricity for traffic control and warning lights.
1955-199   8-1-56    With Ohio Edison Co. for street lighting
1960-283   2-22-60    Amends Ord. 1955-195.
1961-328   12-11-61    Fixing gas rates from Ohio Fuel Gas Co. for 4 yrs.
1964-387   4-13-64    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co. Repeals Ords. 1955-195, 1955-197, 1955-199 and 1960-283.
1966-445   4-30-66    Fixing gas rates from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for 4 yrs.
1966-456    7-25-66    With Ohio Edison Co. for street lighting. Amends Ord. 1964-387.
1970-573    12-28-70    Fixing gas rates from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for 4 yrs.
1971-592    6-14-71    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co. Amends Ord. 1964-387.
1974-684    12-23-74    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co.
1975-688    2-24-75    Fixing gas rates from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for 4 yrs. Repeals Ord. 1970-573.
1977-754    6-27-77    With Ohio Edison Co. for street lighting.
817    6-25-79    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co. Amends Ord. 1977-754.
818    7-25-79    Fixing gas rates from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for 3 yrs.
820    7-9-79    With Ohio Edison Co. for electricity for traffic control and warning lights.
834    1-14-80    Amends Ord. 818.
860    12-8-80    Fixing electricity rates from Ohio Edison Co. Amends Ord. 820.
884    2-8-82    With Ohio Edison Co. for electricity for traffic control and warning lights.
892    5-10-82    With Space Cable TV for cable television system.
895    6-14-82    With Space Cable TV for cable television system.
      Amends Ord. 892.
913    2-28-83    With Space Cable TV for cable television system.
947    3-26-84    Fixing gas rates from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., for 2 yrs.
Res. 271    6-25-84    Consents to the transfer of control of the CA.T.V. system of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd., to Cablevision of Ohio, Ltd. (the "Ohio Group").
Res. 272    9-25-84    Consents to the mortgage and security interest of Ameritrust Co. Nat. Assn., and a second bank, in the franchise, facilities and personal property of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd.
Res. 274    2-4-85    Consents to the pledge of partnership interests of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd., to Ameritrust Co. Nat. Assn. and the Toronto-Dominion Bank.
Res. 278    11-24-86    Consents to the transfer of control of the C.A.T.V. system of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd., to Cable Systems Corp.
Res. 281    3-9-87    Consents to the mortgage and security interest of Chase Manhattan Bank and certain other banks in the franchise, facilities and personal property of Space Cable of Ohio, Ltd.
1114    2-12-90    With Ohio Edison Co., for street lighting.
1630   2-23-98   With Cablevision of the Midwest, Inc. for cable service.
1802   10-23-00   Authorizing a franchise renewal agreement with Cablevision of the Midwest, Inc.
Res. 498   7-28-08   Authorizing the approval for the spin-off of Time Warner Cable, Inc.