159.05 HOLIDAYS.
   (a)   All full-time employees of the Village shall be paid for sixteen (16) holidays each year, as follows:
      New Year’s Day
      Martin Luther King Day
      Presidents Day
      Good Friday
      Memorial Day
      Independence Day
      Labor Day
      Columbus Day
      Veteran’s Day
      Thanksgiving Day
      Day after Thanksgiving
      Christmas Eve Day
      Christmas Day
      Floating Holiday
      New Year’s Eve
   (b)   The employee has to work his or her scheduled day before and after the holiday to be paid for the holiday.
   (c)   Holiday pay shall consist of payment for eight (8) hours at said full-time employee’s hourly rate, and shall count as hours worked for pay purposes, but not for sick leave accrual purposes.
   (d)   The IAFF union-represented employees will receive pay as determined by their Collective Bargaining Agreement.
   (e)   The OPBA union-represented employees will receive pay as determined by their Collective Bargaining Agreement.
   (f)   All hours actually worked on a holiday shall be paid at one and one-half (1 ½) times the hourly rate of the employee, in addition to the holiday pay. Part-time employees shall be paid at one and one-half (1 ½) times the hourly rate of the part-time employee for holidays worked.
   (g)   Any holiday falling on a Saturday shall be celebrated on the prior Friday. Any holiday falling on a Sunday shall be celebrated on the following Monday. In the event of back to back holidays falling on a Friday and Saturday, the holiday falling on Friday shall be celebrated on the prior Thursday.
(Ord. 2830. Passed 3-28-22.)