In addition to the overall purpose of this code. as established in Section 1101.01, the following are the purpose statements for the individual base zoning districts in Sheffield Village. The purpose statement for Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) is established in Chapter 1109: Planned Unit Developments.
(a) Residential Districts (R and M-1). Sheffield Village is comprised of a significant amount of vacant land and detached, single-family dwellings as well as some multi-family residential areas. While single-family residences require high standards for the use and location of principal and accessory buildings if the residential areas are to be maintained and remain high-quality places in which to live, flexibility is required in the regulations in order to provide opportunities for diversity in dwelling type as well as to preserve open space. Residential district regulations are established to carry out the above purpose and the specific objectives below:
(1) The Single-Family Residence District (R) is intended to provide areas for medium-density, single-family development with a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet, primarily located in subdivided and partially developed portions of the Village.
(2) The Multi-Family Family Residence District (M-1) is intended to provide limited areas for multiple-family dwellings with up to a maximum of six dwelling units per acre.
(b) Commercial Districts (C-2, C-3, and C-4). The commercial district regulations are established to ensure the availability of suitable areas for various commercial uses while encouraging the most desirable and beneficial use of land and protecting the character and value of residential property in Sheffield Village. Three commercial districts have been established to meet the needs of the community that, include:
(1) The Limited Retail/Office District (C-2) is intended to provide areas for a limited number of retail and office uses on primarily large parcels while excluding outdoor storage and automotive uses.
(2) The General Commercial District (C-3) is intended to provide areas to accommodate a wide range of commercial uses in a manner that does not intrude upon residential areas.
(3) The Multi-Family/Office District (C-4) is intended to provide areas for larger multiple-family development of ten (10) acres or more and office developments in order to serve as a transition between the general commercial and the R or M-1 Districts.
(c) Industrial Districts (I-1). The I-I District is established to provide for manufacturing, industrial, processing, fabrication, packaging, assembly, related uses, and related facilities within the community in conformance with specific standards and in a manner compatible with the primarily residential character of Sheffield Village.
(d) Public and Institutional District (P-I). The purpose of the Public and Institutional District is to:
(1) Provide proper zoning classification for government, civic, welfare, and recreation facilities in the proper locations and extents so as to promote general safety, convenience, comfort, and welfare;
(2) Protect public and semi-public facilities and institutions from the encroachment of certain other uses and make such uses compatible with adjoining residential uses; and
(3) Provide an environment for the proper functioning of public facilities in relation to plans for community facilities.
(Ord. 2879. Passed 10-23-23.)