Rule 1. Regular Meetings. The regular meetings of Council shall be held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the Council Chambers, 4340 Colorado Ave., Sheffield, Ohio at 7:00 p.m.
   No member of Council need remain in the Council Chambers for more than fifteen minutes awaiting a quorum to be present. If there is a quorum present, the regular meeting shall be conducted and the members shall remain throughout the entire meeting, unless excused by the
other members of Council.
Rule 2. Special Meetings. A special meeting of Council may be called by the Mayor, on his or her motion, or upon request in writing signed by at least three members of Council, upon at least twelve hours notice to each member, served personally or left at his or her usual place of residence. The person or persons calling the special meeting may give to the Mayor/Clerk-Treasurer the original call in writing, and the Mayor Clerk-Treasurer shall reproduce it, and cause it to be served on all members of Council provided for above.
   No business shall be transacted at a special meeting of Council, except those items of business set forth in the official call of the meeting, which call shall state the purpose of the special meeting.
Rule 3. Opening Procedure. The Mayor, or President Pro Tempore of Council, shall call the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the case of a regular meeting or at the time specified in the call in the case of a special meeting, or at the time to which Council adjourned in the case of an adjourned meeting. If the Mayor is not present, the President Pro Tempore shall preside at the Council meeting. If neither the Mayor nor the President Pro Tempore is present at the time for the meeting to begin, the-Clerk-Treasurer or the Clerk Treasurer's designee shall call the meeting to order, after which the roll shall be called and a temporary Chairperson appointed by Council to conduct the meeting until the arrival of either the Mayor or the President Pro Tempore. A temporary Chairperson shall retain all voting privileges.
Rule 4. Public Meetings. All meetings of Council and its committees shall be public and shall be conducted in compliance with Ohio R.C. 121.33. Minutes and other records of the proceedings of Council shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times.
Rule 5. Quorum. A majority of all members elected to Council shall constitute a quorum to conduct business, but a lesser number may adjourn from day to day. Any member present who refuses to vote may be censured according to provisions of law. Any member who will be absent from a meeting of Council shall inform the Mayor/Clerk-Treasurer's Office of that fact before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting, if known at that time, or as soon thereafter as practicable.
Rule 6. Council Records. The Clerk-Treasurer or designee shall keep the records of Council. Such person shall prepare and keep the Journal of the proceedings of Council, shall keep a proper file of all records, documents; ordinances and resolutions, and shall make such records available for public inspection at all reasonable times. All Council meetings shall be tape recorded, and such tapes shall be maintained/transcribed until Council formally approves the written minutes, at which time the tapes may be destroyed/reused.
Rule 7. Voting. Every member present shall vote on all questions upon the call of the roll, unless excused from voting by consent of a majority of the remaining members of Council present, except that no member shall vote on any question or measure in which he or she has a financial or other personal interest or a relative or family member involved. Any member present who refuses to vote may be censured according to the provisions of law. When the President Pro Tempore presides at a Council meeting at a time when the Mayor is out of the Village and not performing his or her duties as Mayor, or when the Mayor is incapacitated or unable to perform his or her duties while within the Village, then the President Pro Tempore is the Acting Mayor and may vote only on those matters for which the Mayor would be authorized to vote. When the Mayor is in fact acting as Mayor, but absent from a meeting, then the President Pro Tempore shall preside at the meeting. Said person shall retain all voting rights.
Rule 8. Speaking. Each member shall be allowed to speak from his or her seat at the Council table on all issues before Council, except in the instance of a conflict of interest. He or she shall not speak for a time longer than ten minutes on any one issue without the permission of the Presiding Officer, nor shall he or she speak more than one time on any issue until all members of Council who desire to speak have spoken. No official or department head shall speak longer than fifteen minutes on any issue without the consent of Council.
Rule 9. Right of the Floor. When a member wishes to address Council, he or she shall request recognition from the Presiding Officer, and, upon recognition, shall speak to the issue under debate, avoid reference to personalities and refrain from impugning the motives of any other member.
Rule 10. Right of Appeal. Any member may appeal the ruling of the Presiding Officer, and, upon the motion to appeal being seconded, the member making the motion may briefly state the reason therefor. The Presiding Officer may briefly explain his or her reason for the ruling, but there shall be no debate on the appeal or any other discussion. The Presiding Officer shall then put the question to the body: "Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?" If a majority of the members vote "yes," then the ruling of the chair shall be sustained and the body shall move on to the next item in the order of business.
Rule 11. Organization: Committees. During January of each even-numbered year, Council shall meet in the Council Chambers to organize, to appoint its officers, to appoint other officers or employees of Council and to review its rules.
   All members of Council shall constitute a Committee or Committees which shall determine which committees shall be created and which shall choose the Chairperson and members of each committee. Each standing committee shall be composed of at least three members of Council and shall serve for a period of two years. The first person named shall chair the committee and the second named shall serve as Vice Chairperson. Council is empowered to act upon these matters at this meeting or as soon thereafter as possible.
   The committees, and the subject matters to be referred to them, are as follows:
   (a)   The Building and Lands Committee, to which may be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters relating to the construction, maintenance or acquisition of any building or land owned by the Village or proposed to be acquired by it, the lease or sale of buildings not needed for Municipal use, the Cemetery and improvements in the community, zoning, platting of subdivisions and building standards;
   (b)   The Committee of Finance, Claims and Federal Programs, to which may be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters relating to finances, indebtedness, appropriations, budgets, the issuance of notes and bonds, payments of money not provided for by previous legislation, taxation, wages and salaries of Village officers and employees, matters relating to Federally funded projects, block grants, comprehensive employment training, urban renewal and all other matters involving programs of the Federal government, as well as the establishment and maintenance of systems of purchasing, the investment of funds and any matters pertaining to insurance;
   (c)   The Committee on Parks and Recreation, to which may be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to public parks, recreation, playgrounds and all other matters relating thereto;
   (d)   The Committee on Safety, to which may be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to the Police and Fire Departments, traffic regulations, nuisances, fire control measures and other matters pertaining to the inspection of existing buildings;
   (e)   The Committee on Utilities, Streets and Drains, to which may be referred all ordinances, resolutions and other matters pertaining to cable television, telephones, gas, electricity, transportation, water, sanitary sewers, sewage disposal, storm sewers, ditches, watercourses, creeks and the repair, maintenance and improvement thereof, air, water and noise pollution, the construction, repair, maintenance and inspection of streets, alleys and sidewalks, street cleaning, street improvements, grades, assessments and vacation of streets and alleys;
   (f)   The Committee of the Whole, to which may be referred any and all matters and legislation pertaining to the business of Sheffield Village (see Rule 15).
Rule 12. Committee Meetings. All committees shall meet in public meetings in compliance with all the laws of the State and the ordinances of the Village. A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum necessary for the transaction of business. Each committee shall hold its meetings at such time and place as is fixed by the Chairperson, but normally all meetings shall be held at the Municipal Complex, and each committee shall have the right to require the attendance of such administrative officers at its meetings as are needed to properly consider and dispose of the matter under consideration. In the event the Chairperson is absent, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside.
Rule 13. Reports of Department Heads, Officers and Village Administrator. Any matter may be referred by Council to a department head, officer or the Village Administrator having jurisdiction over the subject matter. Such matter shall be reported upon to Council within four weeks of its reference. If no report on the subject is made by such department head, officer or Village Administrator, the matter shall be brought to the attention of Council by the Mayor/Council President Pro Tempore or Clerk-Treasurer, and Council may take further action as it deems appropriate.
Rule 14. Reference to More Than One Committee. A matter may be referred to more than one committee or Committee of the Whole when, in the opinion of Council, the subject matter relates sto the duties of several committees. Such committees shall consider the subject in joint session, if possible, with the Chairperson of the committee first named in the reference presiding, and each member of the joint committee shall have one vote for each committee of which he or she is a member, of those committees composing the joint committee. A majority of the members of the several committees shall constitute a quorum. Reports shall be made in the same manner as are the reports made by standing committees (see Rule 16).
Rule 15. Committee of the Whole. When Council decides to meet as a Committee of the Whole, the President Pro Tempore shall preside. The rules of Council, insofar as practicable, shall be observed in the conduct of the meeting, except that no limit shall be placed on the frequency of speaking. Yes and no votes shall not be taken, and a motion to rise and report progress shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate (see Rule 11).
Rule 16. Committee Reports. Each committee shall report its action on any matter referred to it within thirty days of reference. Such report shall be in writing, with the following information included: The name of the Committee/Council/Administration who attended and the subject matter of discussion. If it is not possible to report its action on a matter within thirty days, the Committee shall report this fact to Council and shall report again within thirty days. If a majority of Council want to vote on a Committee matter, a vote may be taken after such matter has been in Committee thirty days.
Rule 17. Order of Business. The business of all regular meetings of Council shall be transacted according to the following order:
   (a)   Roll call;
   (b)   Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag;
   (c)   Approval of the previous Council meeting minutes (regular and special);
   (d)   Reports and communications of the Mayor that require Council action;
   (e)   Reports and communications of the Mayor for informational purposes;
   (f)   Reports of standing committees;
   (g)   Reports of special committees;
   (h)   Legislation:
      (1)    Ordinances (May be listed by reading or by numerical order); and
      (2)    Resolutions (May be listed by reading or by numerical order);
   (i)   Miscellaneous business (Council reports and comments);
   (j)   Reports and comments from department heads;
   (k)   Audience comments and questions; and
   (l)   Adjournment by motion.
Rule 18. Voting on Ordinances, Resolutions, Appointments and Other Measures. The vote on the passage of every ordinance, resolution or other measure, and on the appointment of every officer or other person, shall be taken by a yes or no vote and entered on the Journal. On other matters, any member may request (which request must be seconded by another member) that a roll call vote be taken and that it be entered on the Journal.
Rule 19. Precedence of Motions. When a question is before Council, no motion shall be considered, except the following:
   (a)   To adjourn;
   (b)   To fix an hour of adjournment;
   (c)   For the previous question;
   (d)   To lay on the table;
   (e)   To postpone to a day certain;
   (f)   To postpone indefinitely;
   (g)   To refer to a committee; or
   (h)   To amend.
   Robert's Rules of Order shall control the business of Council in all other matters not provided for herein.
Rule 20. Reconsideration. After a vote on any questions, any member who voted with the prevailing side may move for a reconsideration of the vote at the same or the next succeeding meeting. A motion to reconsider shall require the same number of votes as is required to adopt the measure being reconsidered. After a motion to reconsider has been acted upon, no other motion to reconsider shall be in order without the unanimous consent of Council.
Rule 21. Motions: Withdrawals. After a motion is made and seconded, such motion shall be restated by the Presiding Officer before any debate is had thereon. A motion may be withdrawn by the maker, with the consent of the second, before it is amended or voted upon.
Rule 22. Introduction of Ordinances, Resolutions and Other Matters. All ordinances, resolutions and other measures to be voted upon at the next Council meeting shall be deposited with the Mayor/Clerk-Treasurer by the committee chairperson by 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding a Monday night Council meeting, and such material shall be numbered and placed on the agenda of the meeting and an agenda of the meeting shall be distributed to all members of Council at least forty-eight hours before the time of the meeting.
Rule 23. Passage or Adoption of Ordinances, Resolutions, Etc. All ordinances, resolutions and Rules of Council shall require, for their passage or adoption, the concurrence of a majority of the members of Council, unless a greater number is required by law or these Rules of Council, and the vote on the matter shall be recorded in the Journal.
Rule 24. Violations. Any member who in any way violates any of these Rules shall be called to order by the Presiding Officer.
Rule 25. Confirmation of Appointments. All appointments sent to Council for confirmation shall be taken up for consideration at the meeting or at the next succeeding regular meeting, unless Council orders them referred to a committee. Confirmation shall require the votes of four elected members of Council.
Rule 25-A. Filling Vacancies. To fill a vacancy on Council, the remaining voting members of Council shall do so by a majority vote of such remaining members.
Rule 26. Minutes of Council Proceedings. The Clerk-Treasurer or designee shall furnish each member of Council with a copy of the minutes of the proceedings of Council at each meeting as soon thereafter as practicable.
Rule 27. Vacations. Council shall adjourn for vacation during the month of August of each year, provided, however, that special meetings may be called during that month.
Rule 28. Amendment to Rules. These Rules of Council may be amended at any meeting of Council by a majority of all members elected to Council on the report of the committee or committees to which the subject has previously been referred. All amendments shall be attached to and made a part of these Rules, with the date of adoption noted thereon.
Rule 29. Suspension of Rules. These Rules, or any part of them, may be temporarily suspended at any meeting of Council by a vote of a majority of all members elected to Council, except in a case where a greater number is required by law. The vote shall be entered on the Journal.
Rule 30. Agenda Roll Call. The roll call on the agenda for each Council meeting shall rotate from meeting to meeting by scrolling upward (special Council meetings included). This means the name listed on top of the roll call for one meeting would be placed on the bottom for the next meeting. (Ord. 2133. Passed 5-12-08.)
Rule 31. Audience Comments and Questions at Council Meetings. Any person in the audience wishing to speak, after being recognized by the Chair, shall go to a designated area unless prevented from doing so due to a disability; the person requesting to speak will be able to speak for three (3) minutes unless Council, by a two-thirds vote of its membership, extends the time. The person requesting to speak shall address the Chair. All remarks shall be addressed to Council as a body and not to any member of Council. No person, other than a member of Council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter any discussion, either directly or through a member of Council, without the permission of the Chair. No question shall be asked of a member of Council except through the Chair. (Adopted 9-28-15.)