(a)   In all cases where application is made for a tap-in for a single residence or unit to a riser which was installed at the time of construction of the interceptor sewer, or directly to the interceptor sewer in a case where no riser exists, or otherwise, plans shall be submitted to the Village Engineer showing the way in which the tap will be made, and no permit may be issued until the Engineer has approved such plans, has endorsed thereon in writing the fact of his or her approval and has filed such approved plans with the Clerk-Treasurer, who shall present the plans to Council at or before the time it acts upon the issuance of the permit.
   (b)   In the case of an application for a permit to tap into a riser installed at the time of the construction of the interceptor sewer, or directly into the interceptor sewer, or into a manhole, or into a lateral or local sewer, for two or more residences or units to be served, either at the time of the tap-in or in the future, such application shall be submitted with detailed plans and specifications which show the actual tap-in and future tap-ins and which show lateral or local sewers in conformity with the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations or other ordinances of the Village. No permit shall be issued until the Engineer has approved such detailed plans and specifications and has endorsed thereon in writing the fact of his or her approval and has filed such approved plans with the Clerk-Treasurer, who shall present the plans to Council at or before the time it acts upon the issuance of the permit. (Ord. 730. Passed 10-11-76.)