(a)    No person shall hunt any wild bird or wild quadruped without having obtained the current, appropriate and valid licenses and permits issued under the authority of the State of Ohio. Each day that a person hunts within the Village without procuring a required hunting license under the laws of the State of Ohio is a separate offense.
   (b)    No person shall trap without carrying the current, appropriate and valid licenses and permits to trap on his person at all times when trapping and shall exhibit it upon request of a wildlife officer, constable, sheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer, other law enforcement officer, or the owner or his/her authorized agent or tenant of the lands, pond, lake, or private waters on which the person is trapping.
   (c)    Nuisance trapping shall be done in compliance with all Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and all Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) sections.
   (d)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of misdemeanor of the fourth degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. (Ord. 2310. Passed 9-10-12.)