373.01 Application of regulations.
373.02 Definitions.
373.03 Parent's responsibility.
373.04 Traffic Code application.
373.05 Obedience to traffic control devices.
373.06 Riding on streets.
373.07 Riding on bicycle paths or sidewalks.
373.08 Riding on proper seat; trick riding.
373.09 Emerging from alley or driveway.
373.10 Carrying articles.
373.11 Stolen bicycles and/or tricycles.
373.12 Lamps and other equipment.
373.13 Duty to lock bicycle and/or tricycle.
373.14 Impounding of bicycles and/or tricycles.
373.15 Electric bicycles.
373.20 License required; fee.
373.21 Issuance.
373.22 License plate.
373.23 License plate lost or estroyed.
373.24 Rental agencies.
373.25 Transfer of ownership.
373.99 Penalty.
Motorized bicycle defined - see TRAF. 374.01
Motorized bicycle equipment - see TRAF. 374.10
These regulations applicable to bicycles and/or tricycles shall apply whenever a bicycle and/or tricycle is operated upon any sidewalk or street or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles and/or tricycles, subject to those exceptions stated herein. All bicycles and tricycles shall be licensed by the City as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 45-88. Passed 6-14-88.)
As used in this chapter:
(b) "Tricycle" means a three wheel adult vehicle propelled by human power, having a single front wheel and two parallel rear wheels measuring over twenty inches in diameter. (Ord. 45-88. Passed 6-14-88.)
Every person riding a bicycle or tricycle upon a street shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by the laws of the State, or by the traffic ordinances of the City applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except as to special regulations in this chapter which, by their nature, can have no application.
(Ord. 45-88. Passed 6-14-88.)