(a) Attendance at all regular and special Council meetings;
(b) Answering all questions orally or in writing inquired of him by the Mayor, members of Council or other City officials;
(c) Prepare ordinances, resolutions and amendments thereto upon request by Council;
(d) Attend meetings of any committee, board or commission of the City when so requested;
(e) Draft and prepare contracts or agreements in which the City or any of its departments may be a party;
(f) Assist the City in preparing legislation in obtaining Federal or State assistance for any proposed public project;
(g) Draft and prepare any amendments or changes for the City Charter; and
(h) Attend as representative of the City any meeting held by legislative or administrative officials of other municipalities when so requested by the Mayor or Council. (Ord. 72-69. Passed 8-26-69.)
(a) The Office of Prosecutor is hereby established for the City. The duties of the Prosecutor shall be confined to the prosecution of all felonies and misdemeanors, including traffic offenses, which occur or are committed within the City. The Prosecutor shall be charged with the usual duties incumbent upon and established by State statute upon prosecuting attorneys within cities and other municipalities.
(b) The Mayor shall appoint the Prosecutor with the approval of two-thirds or more of Council. The Prosecutor shall be under the administrative direction of the Mayor and shall be paid out of funds appropriated from the General Fund.
(c) All City business or matters involving civil or City business other than the prosecution of those charged with the commission of felonies and/or misdemeanors shall be and remain the exclusive responsibility of the Director of Law.
(Ord. 22-69. Passed 3-25-69.)
The City shall have the right to appeal to the appropriate Court of law any decision of any board or commission of the City. The right to appeal such decisions shall include but shall not be limited to the right to appeal any decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Planning Commission and the Civil Service Commission.
(Ord. 78-93. Passed 9-14-93.)