(a) No building permit shall be issued by the City for any purpose on land or an area under consideration for zoning change except that building permit may be issued on such land or area for the remodeling of an existing residence structure on land or an area in a residential zone within the City of Sheffield Lake, Ohio, and for the remodeling and/or construction of accessory buildings on such land or area located in a residential zone within the City.
(Ord. 62-83. Passed 5-24-83.)
(b) The Clerk of Council is hereby directed to deliver to the Building Inspector and any other officer of the City authorized to issue building permits, copies of any and all ordinances and resolutions passed by Council that place any land or area under consideration for a zoning change.
(c) As used in this section the term “land under consideration for a zoning change” or “area under consideration for a zoning change” means any land or area that is described in a resolution to amend or change the zoning map and plan, providing for a public hearing thereon and referring such change to the Municipal Planning Commission, until such time as the proposed change has been finally acted on by Council, whether affirmatively or negatively.
(Ord. 66-70. Passed 8-11-70.)
(a) Any applicant for a building permit on property or land on which a grade has not been set shall pay with his building a grade fee of thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents ($31.25).
(b) The Engineer shall, upon receipt from the Building Inspector of the application for the building permit and notice that the application has been accepted, shall set and establish a grade on the property in accordance with the proper engineering procedures.
(c) Upon completion of the setting of the grade, the Engineer shall submit a notice of completion to the City and upon receipt of such notice of completion by the City, the Engineer shall be paid a fee of thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents ($31.25) per grade set.
(Ord. 3-75. Passed 1-7-75.)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 1361.05 was repealed by Ordinance 10-07, passed April 10, 2007.)
No building permit for new construction in any district shall be issued until building or development plans have been reviewed by the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall refer such plans to the Board of Zoning and Building Appeals for all cases needing a variance.
(Ord. 42-83. Passed 4-12-83.)
(a) Any contractor or other person seeking to obtain a building permit in the City shall, before such permit is issued, present evidence to the City that adequate road or public way facilities are available adjacent to the site or location of the structure or new construction involved.
(b) The road or public way shall be constructed with a base course which is, in the opinion of the Director of Public Service, sufficiently stable to permit access to the site by City emergency and service vehicles under all conditions of weather.
(Ord. 76-71. Passed 10-12-71.)