(A)   (1)   Effective June 30, 1992, all taxicabs shall be equipped with taximeters meeting the standards of § 115.18 of this chapter and it shall be unlawful for an operator of an any taxicab or vehicle for hire to charge for transporting any passenger from or to any place inside the corporate limits of the Town, taxicab fares in excess of the following rates determined by the taximeter:
First one-sixth mile or fraction thereof
Each succeeding one-sixth mile or fraction thereof
Waiting time, per hour
      (2)   Waiting time is to be charged only as provided in division (E).
   (B)   In addition to the charges set forth in division (A) of this section, the following handling charges to transport, load and unload the following may be charged if requested by the passenger:
Each suitcase, traveling bag or bundles exceeding one in number
Each footlocker or other package or article of similar size
Each steamer trunk or other package of similar size
Groceries in bags in excess of one per passenger
Groceries in cartons, boxes or crates, each
Bulky items which weigh more than 50 pounds (such as, but not limited to, bags, cartons, boxes of coal, feed, fertilizer, rolls of paper)
   (C)   (1)   There shall be no additional charge for groups whose trips originate at the same location and whose destination is the same.
      (2)   The maximum number of passengers which may be transported in a taxicab is five.
   (D)   (1)   For multiple passengers boarding at different locations and traveling to different destinations, the first passenger leaving the taxicab shall be chargeable for the amount of the fare shown on the taximeter and before proceeding to transport the remaining passenger(s), the flag shall again be placed in the earning position so as to designate the beginning of a new and separate trip as to the remaining passenger(s) in the taxicab and the process shall be repeated each time a passenger reaches his or her destination and alights from the taxicab so that the last passenger(s) leaving the taxicab shall be chargeable with the fare appearing upon the taximeter upon leaving the taxicab unless otherwise arranged between the taxicab operator and the passengers.
      (2)   Provided that for taxicabs equipped with taximeters capable of multiple flag drops so that each passenger’s fare is calculated separately from the point of pickup to his or her destination, this method shall be employed to charge each passenger unless otherwise arranged between the taxicab operator and the passengers.
      (3)   In no case, however, shall the fares charged exceed the amount as calculated by one of the above methods or as provided in division (C).
   (E)   Waiting time shall be defined as the period of time consumed when a taxicab is not in motion at the direction of a passenger from the time of acceptance of a passenger(s) to the time of discharge and also the time consumed while a driver is waiting for a passenger after having responded to a call but does not include the time consumed by a premature response or for the first three minutes following the timely arrival in response to a call or for delay caused by traffic interruption, the inefficiency of the taxicab or its driver or due to any cause other than the request, act or fault of the passenger(s).
   (F)   Although not regulated by this chapter, all fare schedules and related charges for limousine services must be submitted to the Chief of Police and updated as needed.
(Ord. O-1-5-93, passed - -)  Penalty, see § 10.99