(a)   Plan Review Fee. The Fire Department plan review time will be included in the overall plan review time charged by the Department of Community Development. This shall be billed at $75.00 per hour with a one (1) hour minimum. The maximum Fire Department plan review time to be billed shall be no more than half (½) of the time charged by the City Plans Examiner. This fee will also cover all inspections made by the Fire Department necessary to complete the project. These fees will be collected by the Department of Community Development as part of the Plan review fees. At least annually or at the discretion of the auditor these fees will be transferred from the City General Funds to the Fire Fund.
Inspection and Re-Inspection of
Existing Commercial Properties
Annual inspection
First re-inspection
Second and all subsequent re-inspections
$100.00 per trip
Licensed daycare facility
$100.00 annual (11 children or more)
Licensed daycare facility
$25.00 annual (10 children or less)
Foster Care or Adoption Inspection
False alarm fee
$100.00 per occurrence. Fees start after 10 false alarms in calendar year.
False alarm caused by an alarm company working on the system and failing to notify the Fire Department prior to false alarm
$150.00 per occurrence.
   (c)   These fees may be waived at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
   (d)   All checks shall be made payable to the City of Sharonville.
(Ord. 2022-60-E. Passed 11-8-22.)