(a)   General Street Design.
      (1)   The arrangement, character, width, grade, construction, and location of all streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan, or other approved plans, for the City that are in effect at the time of final plat submission.
      (2)   The street layout shall provide access to all lots and parcels of land within the subdivision.
      (3)   When a proposed development is adjacent to or contains a State highway, the developer and the Planning Commission should seek information from the Ohio Department of Transportation as to the status of such highway in reference to width and direction and also to access of such highway.
      (4)   If a new subdivision involves frontage on a modified highway, the street layout should be planned to avoid, as far as possible, any private residential driveways from having direct access to such modified highway. In such cases, access should be provided by means of a service roadway with motor access at suitably spaced points.
      (5)   Access control at major arterials and highways shall be taken into consideration in the design of the subdivision plat. The City or ODOT has the right to define and limit access along major arterials or highways.
      (6)   The subdivider shall provide within the boundaries of the subdivision plat the necessary right-of-way for the widening, continuance, or alignment of such streets in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan or other approved plans.
      (7)   The class of streets in a new subdivision shall be not less than the minimum class established in this code. The street and alley arrangement shall not cause a hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it.
      (8)   Residential local streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic, but offset streets shall be avoided whenever possible.
      (9)   Where practical, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas.
      (10)   Where adjoining areas are not subdivided or developed, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the proper projection of streets (i.e., provide for temporary dead-end streets where street connections can be made to the adjacent land) as required by the Planning Commission.
      (11)   A street that is not constructed to City standards will not be accepted by the City for dedication as a public street.
      (12)   All streets shall have concrete combined curbs and gutters and shall conform substantially to the Comprehensive Plan, or any other plans adopted by the City.
      (13)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes any part of a street indicated as a thoroughfare in a plan adopted by the City, such part of the street shall be dedicated by the subdivider, except as provided in this chapter. This required dedication shall also apply to the widening of existing bordering streets except in cases where the proposed subdivision is limited to a tier of lots fronting on such bordering street and where the subdivider owns or controls no adjoining land beyond the rear line of such tier of lots. In no case shall the required dedication exceed forty (40) feet in width as measured from the centerline of the bordering street.
      (14)   If a street within a proposed subdivision has a recommended width in excess of eighty (80) feet, the Planning Commission shall recommend to City Council that such additional width be acquired by the City by purchase or appropriation proceedings. If within a maximum of ninety (90) days thereafter, City Council has not indicated its intention or proceeding with such acquisition, either by passage of a resolution agreeing to purchase such property at a price agreed to by the subdivider and City Council, or by the passage of a resolution declaring its intent to appropriate such property to a public use, then the recommendation by the Planning Commission for a width in excess of eighty (80) feet shall not be used as grounds for disapproval of either the improvement plans or plats.
      (15)   if City Council advises the Planning Commission prior to the maximum time limits set out above that it has no intention of proceeding with the desired acquisition, then the Planning Commission shall consider a design for the subdivision which does not deny the immediate lawful use of the property within such proposed right-of-way, but recognizes a possible future acquisition of such right-of-way and provides accordingly for a minimum degree of resultant disruption to the remaining streets and lots of the subdivision.
   (b)   Street Names, Signs, and Numbering.
      (1)   Street names shall be selected that will not duplicate or be confused with the names of existing streets in the City of Sharonville and in Hamilton or Buter Counties irrespective of modifying terms such as street, avenue, boulevard, etc. Streets that are or will eventually be continuations of existing or platted streets shall be named the same. Street names shall be included on the preliminary plat and final plat.
      (2)   When a new street is a direct extension of an existing street, the name shall remain the same.
      (3)   The developer, at their expense, shall install traffic control devices within the subdivision and where subdivision streets connect with existing streets in accordance with the recommendations of the traffic impact study. These devices shall meet all applicable standard as established by the City.
      (4)   Address numbers shall be assigned by the City in accordance with the current numbering system.
   (c)   Angle of Intersection and Rounding of Property Corners.
      (1)   The angle of intersection between local streets and arterial or collector streets shall not vary more than ten (10) degrees from a right angle. All other streets shall intersect each other as near to a right angle as possible.
      (2)   At the intersection of two streets, the corner of property lines shall be rounded by a radius of not less than twelve and one-half (12.5) feet.
      (3)   All intersecting streets shall have a minimum curb or edge of paving radius of twenty-five (25) feet.
      (4)   The minimum radius, noted above, shall be increased when the smallest angle of intersection is less than sixty (60) degrees, or in any case where the Planning Commission considers an increase necessary.
      (5)   At an intersection of alleys, a five (5)-foot chord shall cut off each corner.
   (d)   Street Types.
      (1)   Street right-of-way widths and pavement widths shall comply with the following:
Street Type
Minimum Right-of-Way Width
Minimum Pavement Width
As determined by the agency having jurisdiction over the street and as approved by the Planning Commission
As determined by the agency having jurisdiction over the street and as approved by the Planning Commission
Arterial or Collector Street
60 feet
Local Streets
60 feet
29 feet without a curb or 30 feet back-to-back of curbs when curbs and gutters are provided.
20 feet
20 feet
      (2)   Where there are unusual topographical or other physical conditions, the Planning Commission may require a greater or lesser right-of-way width than that indicated in this section.
      (3)   Vertical and Horizontal Alignment.
         A.   For highways, arterial, and collector streets, profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length, measured horizontally, equivalent to fifteen (15) times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per 100. For local streets and alleys, one-half that minimum.
         B.   The radii of centerline curvature (horizontal alignment) shall be:
            i.   Highways: 500 feet.
            ii.   Arterial or collector streets: 200 feet.
            iii.   Local streets: 100 feet.
         C.   There shall be a tangent between reverse curves of at least 100 feet, wherever possible. In any case, standards shall be such as to produce visibility to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All horizontal curves shall show the complete functions of such curve and each P.C. (point of curvature) and P.T. (point of tangent) shall be stationed.
      (4)   Profiles and Grades.
         A.   All streets, including side streets and alleys within the limits of the subdivision shall be graded the full width between street property lines and all roadways shall be paved.
         B.   All proposed grades shall be the centerline grades of the respective streets and shall be indicated in complete detail in profiles and referenced to the stationing shown on the Plan.
         C.   The maximum grades shall not exceed six percent (6%) for main and secondary thoroughfares or twelve percent (12%) for minor or local service streets and alleys. The minimum grade of all streets shall be one-half of one percent (1%). Grades across intersections shall not be in excess of four percent (4%) except at the discretion of the City Engineer. The maximum grade of a crosswalk shall be twelve percent (12%), unless supplemented by steps.
         D.   All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of minimum length equal to fifteen (15) times the algebraic difference in rate of grade. The P.C. and P.T. of all vertical curves shall be stationed and elevations shall be shown at least every twenty-five (25) feet within the limits of vertical curves.
      (5)   Construction and Standard Drawings; Typical Sections.
         A.   All streets shall have concrete combined curbs and gutters and shall be constructed in accordance with the State of Ohio, Department of Highways, Construction and Materials Specifications, including amendments thereto, in effect on the date of approval of the Improvement Plan.
         B.   Standard pavement drawings shall be either Ohio Department of Transportation standards or Butler or Hamilton County standards, as applicable, all of which are on file in the office of the City Engineer and are titled "Typical Sections of Streets Required for Subdivisions". Typical sections shall be drawn in accordance with Types 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the standard pavement drawings.
         C.   Combined roll type concrete curb and gutter shall be thirty (30) inches wide from back of curb to inside edge of gutter, and of Class "D" mix concrete. The entire right-of-way of all streets shall be graded the full width between property lines with appropriate slopes for cuts and fills beyond property lines. Proof of necessary right-of-way shall be required.
         D.   The street may be Type 2 (reinforced concrete), or, if Type 1, 3 or 4, all ditches shall be backfilled with gravel.
      (6)   Joints in Concrete Pavement. These provisions shall apply to reinforced (T-71) and nonreinforced (T-70) pavement.
         A.   One-inch, non-extruding expansion joint (Type A or B Dowel Bar Unit) shall be installed in the pavement on each side of all intersections in accordance with the standard pavement drawings. Expansion joints shall be placed not farther than 600 feet apart.
         B.   Transverse false (dummy) joints shall be constructed every fifteen (15) feet. Transverse joints between pours shall be standard key joints or standard construction joints.
         C.   Longitudinal joints between pours shall be standard key joints.
         D.   All joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and sealed in accordance with the applicable section of Ohio State specifications.
         E.   All inlets, manholes, valve chambers, etc., shall be boxed or blocked out in accordance with the standard pavement drawings.
      (7)   Cul-de-Sacs.
         A.   The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be 800 feet unless necessitated by topography or other circumstances beyond the subdivider's control. Each cul-de-sac shall be provided with a turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of fifty (50) feet. The road surface within the cul-de-sac right-of-way shall conform, for dimensions, to the City's standard drawings.
         B.   Where a proposed street ends in a cul-de-sac, a "T" or ball-shaped turn-around may be acceptable. If a ball-shaped turn-around is proposed, the minimum curb radius shall be twenty-seven and one-half (27.5) feet. If a "T" is proposed, the minimum radius shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
      (8)   Half Streets. The dedication of half streets shall not be permitted except in special situations. Where there exists a dedicated or platted half street or alley adjacent to the tract being subdivided, the other half shall be platted if deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
      (9)   Alleys. Alleys shall not be permitted in residential districts except in special situations. Alleys are required in the rear of all commercial and industrial lots if no other provisions are made for adequate service access or for parking. Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted.
      (10)   Underdrainage. Adequate underdrainage in accordance with the standard construction drawings shall be provided when determined by the City Engineer. (Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)