The installation and use of a rain barrel system shall be subject to the following development and design standards:
(a) For the purposes of this section, a rain barrel system shall include any container that is designed and used to collect rainwater from a collecting structure (e.g., any house, garage, building, or canopy from which rainwater is diverted for collection in the rain barrel).
(b) Rain barrel systems are permitted in any zoning district except in the CBD and SM-D Districts.
(c) The maximum size of any individual rain barrel container shall not exceed 65 gallons in any residential zoning district or 100 gallons in any nonresidential zoning district.
(d) A rain barrel shall not extend more thirty-six (36) inches from the building face of the primary or accessory structure that serves as the collection structure.
(e) Rain barrels shall be placed on the ground or on a structure provided the top of a rain barrel shall not exceed six (6) feet in height above the grade underneath the rain barrel.
(f) A rain barrel may be located in any yard subject to the following standards:
(1) Front Yard Standards. The following standards apply to rain barrels placed in the front yard of a lot:
A. No more than two rain barrels shall be placed in any front yard.
B. Corner lots maintaining two front yards shall contain no more than two (2) rain barrels total for both front yard areas.
C. Any rain barrel proposed to be located in a front yard shall only be permitted if approved as a conditional use where the Planning Commission shall take into consideration adequate controls for placement and screening.
(2) Side Yard Standards. The following standards apply to rain barrels placed in the front yard of a lot:
A. No more than two (2) rain barrels shall be placed in any side yard.
B. Rain barrels located in any side yard shall be screened from view from a public street utilizing solid screening. The solid screening may include screening through by placement behind an architectural feature of the building (e.g., wing wall or building offset) or through the use of an approved opaque fence, wall, hedge, or other form of landscaping. The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to approve the screening.
(3) Rear Yard Standards. The following standards apply to rain barrels placed in the rear yard of a lot:
A. The number of rain barrels located in a rear yard shall be unlimited.
B. Rain barrels located in any rear yard shall be screened from view from a public street utilizing solid screening. The solid screening may include screening through by placement behind an architectural feature of the building (e.g., wing wall or building offset) or through the use of an approved opaque fence, wall, hedge, or other form of landscaping. The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to approve the screening.
(Ord. 2022-22. Passed 5-10-22.)