Ord. No.   Date   Description
812    7-29-47    Sale of Hageman Graveyard.
Res. 386    10-14-47    Confirming bid of Albert Key for Hageman Graveyard.
58-37    10-14-58    Sale of real estate in Section 23, Township 4, Range 1 of the Miami Purchase, Sycamore Township.
58-44    12-9-58    Accepting bid for sale of property in Ord. 58-37.
59-9    5-26-59    Sale of east part of Lot 31 fronting Main St.
59-16    6-9-59    Accepting bid of William Mefford for property described in Ord. 59-9.
Res. 59-7    10-27-59    Returning former Owen Ave. to Lawrence Noland pursuant to a reverser clause.
61-13    4-25-61    Purchase of 7 acres from Charles Tyahur for a public park.
61-31    8-1-61       Purchase of 26 acres of playground and recreation area.
63-23    5-16-63    Purchase of Parcel 105 from Isaacs for playground and recreation area.
63-27          Exercise of option to purchase a right of way for Thornview Dr. extension.
63-35   7-16-63    Easement purchase for retaining walls along northerly side of Middle Creek Rd.
66-5    1-11-66    Sale of land along east line of Reading Rd.
66-8   1-31-67    Purchase of 22.39 acres for recreation and flood control programs.
67-55    10-10-67    Authorizes bids for sale of land along east line of Orchard St.
68-56    7-18-68    Authorizes option to purchase site for fire house at 11210 Reading Rd.
68-58    8-13-68    Purchase of land fronting on Reading and Cornell Rds. from Emily.
69-32    5-13-69    Authorizes deed execution to Robert G. Taylor for parcel east of Orchard St. and south of Hageman St.
69-57    12-9-69    Repeals Ords. 67-55 and 69-32.
70-70    12-29-70    Authorizes purchase of property fronting on Creek Rd. and Thornview Dr. for recreational purposes.
71-2    1-12-71    Authorizes purchase of property fronting on Reading Rd. for purposes of widening the road.
71-29    7-13-71    Authorizes purchase of property fronting on Creek Rd. for recreational purposes.
71-43    10-26-71    Authorizes purchase of property fronting on Sharon Rd. for the purpose of widening such road.
71-48    11-30-71    Authorizes purchase of property fronting on Sharon Rd. for the purpose of widening such road.
73-16    4-10-73    Appropriation of properties of Henry, Etter, Gleason, Key and Whitaker for Sharon Road Grade Elimination Project.
73-39    9-11-73    Accepts property for Project.
74-6    1-29-73    Authorizes sale of Sharonville Depot property.
74-8    2-12-74    Accepts property for Project.
74-63    11-26-74    Purchase of property between Hauck Rd. and Route 42 for the relocation of Hauck Rd.
75-14    4-8-75       Purchase of 2.453 acres at 12153 Centerdale Rd.
75-31    5-27-75    Appropriation of Parcel 1 from Taylor, Parcel 2 from Taylor, Parcel 3 from Kjellenberg, Parcel 5 from Hutton and Parcel 6 from Gruber for street construction for Central Business District.
76-6    1-27-76    Purchase of tract being west 48 feet of Lot 31 of Joseph Meyers Subdivision on the south side of Walnut St.
76-7    1-27-76    Purchase of Lot 27 in Town of Sharon as laid out by Joseph Meyer on west side of Main St.
76-29    4-13-76    Purchase of Lot 51 in Joseph Meyers Subdivision of Sharon and 8 feet off north side of Lot 49.
76-32    4-27-76    Amends Ordinance 74-6 authorizing Community Improvement Corp. to sell property.
76-40    5-25-76    Purchase of 18.67 acres on Kemper Rd. for recreational facilities.
76-78    11-30-76    Purchase of certain real estate on Reading Rd. and Walnut St. for off-street parking.
76-79    11-30-76    Accepting parcel on Walnut St. in downtown area and dedicating same to public use.
77-35    6-28-77    Authorizes acquisition of 66 acres near intersection of I-75 and I-275 for street improvement and urban redevelopment.
78-10    2-7-78       Authorizes acquisition of 72 acres near intersection of I-75 and I-275 for street improvement and urban redevelopment; Repeals Ord. 77-35.
78-13    2-14-78    Approves agreement to purchase 72 acres from Montgomery Ward Development Corp.
78-62    6-13-78    Purchase of real estate from Paul Vail Post 4369, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
78-74    10-10-78   Authorizes purchase of realty on Thornview Dr. for recreational development.
79-67    8-14-79    Purchase of 14.9561 acres at SW corner of Section 23 for developing a senior citizen housing project.
79-68    8-14-79    Purchase of Lot A of Terrace View Acres Subdivision, Block C, for developing a senior citizens housing project.
80-61    1-27-81    Authorizes sale of Twelve Mile House.
81-90    12-29-81    Accepts gift of 1.295 acres at 3877 Cornell Rd. from Dr. and Mrs. Albers.
82-2    1-12-82    Purchase of street right of way known as Malibu Road.
88-13   3-8-88      Authorizes sale of north 6.993 acres of Kemper Park.
88-74   11-15-88   Purchase of 940 square feet from Schlueter Plumbing Inc. to enlarge intersection of Sharon Rd. and the new Canal Rd. extension.
89-2   1-10-89   Purchase of 2.5 acres at 7150 Fields Ertel Rd. for site of new fire house.
89-43E   5-30-89   Purchase of 1728 Woodbine St. for recreational purposes.
91-41   5-14-91   Authorizes acquisition of land at I-275 and Reed Hartman Highway for highway improvement.
91-59E   5-28-91   Purchase of 11355 Chester Rd.
91-76E   8-27-91   Purchase of 3653 Creek Rd. for recreational use.
91-77E   8-27-91   Purchase of 3663 Creek Rd. for recreational use.
91-78E   8-27-91   Purchase of 3669 Creek Rd. for recreational use.
91-79E   8-27-91   Purchase of 3671 Creek Rd. for recreational use.
91-90E   10-8-91   Purchase of land near intersection of Centerdale and Crescentville Rds. for new fire station.
91-95E   10-29-91   Purchase of 3707 Creek Rd. for recreational use.
91-96E   10-29-91   Purchase of land near intersection of Centerdale and Crescentville Rds. for new fire station.
92-11   3-10-92   Sale of .77 acres on Sharon Rd.
92-93   1-26-93   Purchase of .43 acres at 11345 Chester Rd. from Red Roof Inn for Convention Center parking.
93-14E   2-9-93      Purchase of Parcel 608-12-10 for Community Center expansion.
93-88   12-28-93   Purchase of portion of Parcels 608-21-178 and 179 from Red Roof Inn to expand Convention Center Parking facilities.
94-62   9-13-94   Purchase of Parcel 608-23-110 at 12163 Centerdale for recreation purposes.
94-77E   10-11-94   Lease-purchase agreement with Fifth Third Bank and sublease agreement with Intercommunity Cable Regulatory Commission.
96-56   9-10-96   Authorizes purchase of real estate known as Auditor’s Book 608, Page 4, Parcel 65 for downtown revitalization.
02-01   1-8-02      Authorizes purchase of property for convention center.
00-02   1-30-01   Authorizes an agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the acquisition of a right of way for the Read Hartman/I 274 improvement project.
02-1-E    1-8-02      Authorizes the purchase of real estate of 11335 Chester Road to expand Convention Center Parking.
02-32   4-9-02      Authorizes purchase of 239.58 square feet of property from Farmers Insurance Company in order to improve the turning radius of Kemper Road at Reed Hartman Highway.
02-49   8-13-02   Authorizes purchase of 11641 Chester Road for Municipal administrative and safety purposes.
03-39   5-27-03   Authorizes the purchase of property at auction the real estate of which has been the subject of a foreclosure suit initiated by the City located at the northeast intersection of Mosteller and Kemper Roads.
03-94   12-9-03   Authorizes purchase of 3.2 acres of Commercial property on Chester Road for future redevelopment.
04-39-E   8-10-04   Authorizes the purchase of real estate for the expansion of the Sharonville Convention Center.
05-26   5-24-05   Authorizes the purchase of real estate at intersection of East Kemper Road and Skate Court.
2005-26   5-24-05   Authorizes the purchase of real estate for right of way purposes at the intersection of East Kemper Road and Skate Court.
2006-21   2-28-06   Donates six hundredths of an acre to the Ohio Department of Transportation for roadway improvements.
2007-48-E   9-18-07   Authorizing a contract to purchase in lieu of eminent domain real property located at 11250 Chester Road.
2007-49-E   9-18-07   Authorizing a contract to purchase the real estate located at 11317 Chester Road for the purpose of Chester Road improvements and the expansion of the Sharonville Convention Center.
2009-30   5-26-09   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a contract to purchase real estate on Chester Road for the Sharonville Convention Center Expansion Project.
2009-39   7-14-09   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a contract to purchase real estate located at 11400 Lippelman Road for the Sharonville Convention Center Expansion Project.
2009-40   7-14-09   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a contract to purchase real estate located at 11317 Chester Road for the Sharonville Convention Center Expansion Project.
2009-47   8-25-09   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into a real estate purchase contract with the federal government; to enter into a real estate sales contract with Sharonville GSA, LLC; and to enter into a development agreement with Sharonville GSA, LLC.
2011-39   9-13-11   Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to enter into a real estate purchase agreement with the Princeton City School District for approximately 5.8 acres at Sharon Road and Chester Road.
2016-29-E   8-9-16      Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to exercise the City’s option to acquire 9.239 acres of land, and to execute all documents related to such acquisition.
2017-31-E   8-8-17      Authorizing the Safety/Service Director to accept the donation of 3.0 acres of land located at Route 42 and Kemper Road.
2017-43-E   9-26-17   Authorizing conveyance of .634 acres of land to the Community Improvement Corporation of Sharonville.
2018-9-E   2-13-18   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to convey approximately 1.3 acres to the Community Improvement Corporation of Sharonville after obtaining necessary survey.
2018-29-E   9-11-18   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to convey 0.2006 acres to the Community Improvement Corporation of Sharonville on Maple Avenue.
2018-42-E   10-30-18   Donating Parcel 214-WL to Ohio Department of Transportation for roadway improvements.
2018-48-E   11-27-18   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to convey approximately 1.6931 acres on Chester Road to the Community Improvement Corporation of Sharonville after obtaining necessary survey.
2020-26-E   8-11-20   Appropriate a fee simple interest consisting of 0.226 acres from P.J.C. Inc. as a quick-take, for the public purpose of improving a public roadway.
2020-29-E   9-8-20      Authorizing the Safety Service Director to enter into right of way purchase contracts with property owners owning right of way necessary for the City to complete the Hauck Road Improvement Project.
2021-03-E   1-12-21   Authorizing the Safety/Service Director to execute any necessary documents and ratifying any previously executed documents for the purchase of real property located at 2198 E. Sharon Road (Auditor Parcel Numbers 608-0015-0188 and 608-0015-0210).
2021-14-E   2-23-21   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to assign an existing real estate purchase agreement for the acquisition of 2198 E. Sharon Road within the corporation limits to the Community Improvement Corporation.
2022-64-E   11-8-22   Authorizing the Safety Service Director to convey approximately 0.802 acres commonly known as 11250 Chester Road to the Community Improvement Corporation of Sharonville.
2023-82-E   1-9-24   Authorizing the Safety/Service Director to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of real property located at 11005 Reading Road (Parcel 608-0004-0056-00) and 3328 E Sharon Road (Parcel 608-0004-0055-00).
2023-89-E   12-12-23   Authorizing the Safety/Service Director to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of real property located at 11115 Reading Road (Parcel 608-0004-0067-00).
2024-21-E   2-13-24   Authorizing the Safety-Service Director to execute any necessary documents for the purchase of real property located at 11029 Dowlin Drive (Part of Parcels 608-0015-0017-00 and 608-0015-0098-00).
2024-32-E   4-30-23   Authorizing the Safety/Service Director to Execute any necessary documents for the purchase of real property located at 11188-11198 Main Street (Part of Parcels 608-0005-0001-00 and 608-0005-0002-00).