Permits for making openings in Municipal streets, sidewalks and public ways, shall be issued only by the Sharonville Community Services Director or the Safety-Service Director or his or her agent for some duly authorized purpose. Applications for street opening permits shall be made on forms provided by the Municipality. The application shall give the size and location of the proposed opening and shall state the kind of paving where the cut is to be made. The permit shall be issued only after ample security has been given the Municipality to insure the proper restoration and subsequent maintenance of the street pavement disturbed. Such security may be furnished in one of the following ways:
   (a)    A cash deposit or a surety bond shall be posted with each application, sufficient to cover the cost of restoration.
   (b)    In the case of Municipal contracts involving the cutting of street pavements, permits may be issued without a cash deposit or surety bond but in such cases, sufficient money to pay for the necessary street restoration shall be withheld from the contract moneys owing to the contractor, until such street restoration is completed by the contractor to the satisfaction of Council, or until such contractor shall have paid the requisite amount for the street restoration to the Municipality. (Ord. 685. Passed 8-19-41; Ord. 87-7. Passed 2-4-87.)