All vehicles are required to stop on the following streets at the intersections designated:
      "A" Street at Logan Avenue, in a westerly direction;
      "A" Street at South Irvine Avenue, South State Line Road and Logan Avenue, in an easterly direction;
      Agate Place at Penn Avenue;
      Alcoma Street at Jefferson, Euclid, Case and North Myers Avenues;
      Alderman Avenue at Prindle, Prospect and Liberty Streets and York Way;
      Alexander Place at Franklin and Mill Streets;
      Andrew Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Anson Place at Ellsworth Avenue;
      Ashton Road at Kimberly Street, Highland Road and Carley Avenue;
      B Street at Logan Avenue and South State Line Road;
      Baird Way at North Oakland and Elm Avenues;
      Baldwin Avenue and King Street and Alley and Second Street approximately 100 yards north of Silver St.;
      Baldwin Avenue at Prindle, Leslie, Plum, East Budd, Morrison, George, Division, French, Idaho and Union Streets;
      Bank Place at South Dock Avenue;
      Barker Way at Frank and Morton Streets;
      Bechtol Avenue at Thornton Street;
      Bell Street at Logan Avenue and South State Line Road;
      Bentley Avenue at Kimberly Street;
      Bluff Place at Hall and Heinz Avenues;
      Bon Air Drive at Fisher Hill and Thornton Streets;
      Boyd Avenue at Highland Road in a southerly direction, and McDowell Street;
      Bridge Place at North Water and North Irvine Avenues;
      Brooklyn Street at North Sharpsville and Fourth Avenues;
      Buckley Avenue at Russell, Curtis and Grant Streets;
      Budd Street at New Castle Avenue, both ways;
      Budd Street at Sherman Avenue, westbound and eastbound;
      Budd Street at South Oakland intersection;
      East Budd Street at Spruce, Baldwin, Cedar and Stambaugh Avenues;
      Buhl Boulevard at Highland Road and Kimberly and McDowell Streets;
      Buhl Court at East State Street;
      Canal Street at Shenango and Vine Streets;
      Carley Avenue at Highland Road and Kimberly Street;
      Carnegie Avenue at Crowden, north and southbound;
      Carnegie Avenue at Memorial Boulevard and Plum, Park and George Streets;
      Case Avenue at Alcoma, Pearl and Linden Streets and Highland Road;
      Cedar Avenue at Prindle, King, Leslie, Plum, East Budd, Morrison, George, French, and Idaho Streets;
      Charles Street at Crowder and Tenth Avenues and Division Street;
      Cherry Way at Fisher Hill Street;
      Chestnut Avenue at Connelly Boulevard;
      Church Way at North Sharpsville Avenue;
      East Clark Street at Fourth Avenue;
      Clover Street at Stambaugh, McClure, Wengler and Carnegie Avenues;
      Connelly Boulevard at South Water Avenue;
      West Connelly Boulevard at Sterling Avenue, both ways;
      Columbia Street at South State Line Road and Logan Avenue;
      Crowder and Park;
      Crowder Avenue at Wengler Avenue and Carnegie, Park, Haig, French, George and Division Streets;
      Curtis Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Dancs Way at Malleable Street;
      Dayton Way at Silver Street, in a southerly direction;
      Dayton Way at Wishart Court, in a northerly direction;
      Delaware Street at North Sharpsville Avenue and Fourth Avenue;
      Division Street at Baldwin Avenue;
      Division Street at Stambaugh Avenue, in a westbound direction;
      North Dock Avenue at Pitt Street;
      Dock Street at Silver Street, in a northerly and southerly direction;
      Dougherty Avenue at Kimberly and Highland Roads, and McDowell and Westerman Streets;
      Dwyer Street at Heinz and Hall Avenues;
      Edgewood Road at South Oakland Avenue, Prindle Street and Stambaugh Avenue;
      Ellsworth Street at North Irvine Avenue, in an easterly direction;
      Ellsworth Street at North Water Avenue, North State Line Road and North Irvine Avenue in a westerly direction;
      Elm Avenue at East State, Meek and Hull Streets and Fullerton Place;
      Erie Street at Logan and Lafayette Avenues and South State Line Road;
      Ethel Avenue at Lincoln Street;
      Euclid Avenue at Highland Road and Pearl, Linden and Alcoma Streets;
      Euclid Avenue at Quarry Place, in a northerly and southerly direction;
      Fabian Way at Fisher Hill Street;
      Fairfield Drive at Highland Road and McDowell Street;
      Federal Avenue at Memorial Boulevard and Plum and George Streets;
      Fifth Avenue at Fullerton Place;
      Fifth Avenue at Robinson Place, in a northerly direction;
      Filer Way at South Irvine Avenue;
      First Avenue at Fullerton Place and Silver, North and Brooklyn Streets;
      First Street at Silver and North Streets;
      North First Street at North and Brooklyn Streets;
      Fisher Hill Street at North Sharpsville and Hall Avenues; Bon Air Drive and Bechtol Avenue;
      Fleming Way at Ellsworth and Harris Streets;
      Florence Street at Walnut and New Castle Avenues;
      Flowers Avenue at East State Street and Glenwood Drive;
      Flowers Avenue Alley midway between State Street and Glenwood;
      Forker Boulevard at Pearl and Kimberly Streets and Highland Road;
      Forker Place at East State Street;
      Fourth Avenue at Brooklyn Street and Watson Street, both directions;
      Fourth Avenue at Delaware Street;
      Fourth Avenue at Harrison Street;
      Fourth Street at Silver, North, Meek and Morton Streets and Fullerton Place;
      North Fourth Street at Meek, Hull and Morton Streets;
      Frank Street at North Sharpsville and North Fourth Avenues;
      Franklin Street at Shenango and North Railroad Avenues;
      Franklin Street at Vine Avenue, traveling eastbound on Franklin Street;
      French Street at Crowder Avenue, in an easterly and westerly direction;
      French Street at Stambaugh Avenue in an easterly direction, at Division Street in a westerly direction, at Wengler Avenue;
      Fullerton Place at First Avenue;
      Fullerton Place at North Oakland and Ormond Avenues and Elm Avenue;
      Furnace Road at Thornton Street;
      George Street at New Castle, North Oakland, Baldwin, Stambaugh, Wengler, Crowder, Shady and Spencer Avenues;
      George Street at Service Avenue, both ways;
      George Street at Stambaugh Avenue in an eastbound direction;
      Glenn Place at Memorial Boulevard and Leslie Street;
      Glenwood Drive at Wengler, South Myers, Service Smith, White and Spencer Avenues;
      Grace Place at South Pine Avenue and Forker Place;
      Grant Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Griswold Street at East Connelly Boulevard, Wengler, South Myers, White Service, Spencer, Smith and Shady Avenues;
      Hadley Place at Thornton and Fisher Hill Streets;
      Haig Street at Stambaugh, Wengler, Crowder and Tenth Avenues;
      Hall Avenue at Fisher Hill and Thornton Streets;
      Hall Avenue and Tamplin Street;
      Hannah Court at Fairfield Drive;
      Harris Street at Maple Way;
      Harrison Street at North Sharpsville and Fourth Avenues;
      Harry Avenue at Tamplin and Thornton Streets;
      Hawthorne Place at Leslie and Plum Streets;
      Hazen Place at A and Columbia Streets;
      Hedge Place at Dickons Place;
      Heinz Avenue at Thornton and Tamplin Streets;
      Hembold Way at Madison Street;
      Highland Road at Jefferson Avenue, Forker and Buhl Boulevards and Boyd Avenue;
      Hillcrest Street at Hawthorne Place and Carnegie and Federal Avenues;
      Hull Street at Elm Avenue, both sides;
      Hull Street at Fourth, Jefferson and North Sharpsville Avenues;
      Hull Street at North Oakland Avenue, east and westbound;
      Idaho Street at Sherman and Crowder Avenues;
      Independence Court at Pearl Street and Highland Road;
      North Irvine Avenue at West Silver, Ellsworth and Madison Streets, and the crosswalk leading to the West Hill Elementary School pathway;
      Isabelle Street at Hall and Heinz Avenues;
      Jefferson Avenue at Linden, Alcoma, Pearl, Meek and Hull Streets;
      Jones Way at Fourth Avenue;
      Kimberly Road at Forker and Buhl Boulevards, Ashton Road and Dougherty Avenue;
      King Street at New Castle, South Oakland, Spruce, Cedar, Baldwin, Sherman, Stambaugh and Wengler Avenues and at the island in the center of the roadway in making a left turn from Wengler Avenue onto King Street;
      Lafayette Avenue at Ohio, Lorain, Bell, Erie and Davis Streets;
      Lafayette Way at Davis Street;
      Lark Way at Grant and Wilson Streets;
      Leslie Street at New Castle, South Oakland, Spruce, Cedar, Baldwin, Sherman, Stambaugh, McClure and Wengler Avenues and Memorial Boulevard;
      Liberty Street at Shenango Valley Freeway and Walnut, New Castle and Alderman Avenues;
      Lillian Drive at Highland Road and McDowell Street;
      Lincoln Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Linden Street at Jefferson, Euclid, Case and North Myers Avenues;
      Logan Avenue at A, Ohio, Columbia, Lorain and Wheeler Place and West State Street;
      Lorain Street at Lafayette Avenue, east and westbound;
      Lorain Street at Logan Avenue in a westerly direction on Lorain Street;
      Lorain Street at South Irvine Avenue, Logan Avenue in an easterly direction and South State Line Road;
      Mac Way at West Budd Street;
      Madison Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      North Main Avenue at West Silver Street and North Water Avenues;
      North Main Avenue at West State Street in a southerly direction;
      Malleable Street at South Dock and New Castle Avenues;
      Maple Way at Ellsworth and Madison Streets;
      March Street at Division Street and Wengler, Crowder and Tenth Avenues;
      McCleery Street at Saunders Avenue;
      McClure Avenue at King, Plum, Prindle, Clover and George Streets;
      McClure Avenue and Leslie Street;
      McDowell Street and Fairfield Drive;
      McDowell Street at Carley Avenue, Richmond Drive, Buhl Boulevard, Lillian Drive and Dougherty Ave.;
      Meek Street at North Oakland Avenue in a westerly direction and Jefferson Avenue;
      Memorial Boulevard at Wengler, Leslie, Spencer and Service Avenues;
      Mert Way at Wilson Street;
      Mesabi Street at New Castle Avenue and East Budd Street;
      Mill Street at Shenango and Vine Avenues;
      Miller Avenue at Tanner Street;
      Morrison Street at New Castle, South Oakland, Spruce, Cedar, Baldwin, Sherman and Stambaugh Avenues;
      Morton Street at North Sharpsville and Fourth Avenues;
      North Myers Avenue at Linden and Pearl Streets, Highland Road and Alcoma Street in a southerly direction;
      South Myers Avenue at East State and Griswold Streets and Glenwood Drive;
      Myrtle Place at Wengler Avenue and Glenn Place;
      Nash Court at Wilson Street;
      New Castle Avenue at Budd Street, both ways;
      New Castle Avenue at Malleable Street, both directions;
      New Castle Avenue at Prindle, Leslie and George Streets;
      Nimick Street at Logan Avenue and South Line Road;
      Norris Avenue at Pearl Street and Highland Road;
      Norris Avenue at Quarry Way in northbound and southbound directions;
      North Street at North Sharpsville, Fourth and North Oakland Avenues;
      Oak Way at Ellsworth and Madison Streets;
      North Oakland Avenue at Fullerton Place and Meek and Hull Streets;
      North Oakland Avenue at North Street;
      South Oakland Avenue at Plum Street;
      South Oakland Avenue at Prindle, King, Leslie, Budd, Morrison and George Streets;
      Ohio Street at South Irvine Avenue and South State Line Road; Logan Avenue in an easterly direction;
      Ohio Street at Logan Avenue, westbound;
      Orchard Street at South Dock Street and New Castle Avenue;
      Orchard Street at Walnut Street, both directions;
      Ormond Avenue at East State Street, Fullerton Place and Meek and Hull Streets;
      Ormond Avenue below Hull and Meek Streets;
      Ormond Avenue Extension at Hull Street, in a southerly direction;
      Park Street at Wengler, Carnegie, Federal, Service, Shady, Smith and Spencer Avenues;
      Partridge Place at Forker Boulevard;
      Paul Avenue at Tamplin and Thornton Streets;
      Pearl Street at Case, North Myers and Euclid Avenues and Forker Boulevard;
      Pearrell Drive at Penn Avenue and Rose Court;
      Pilgrim Street at Forker Boulevard and Trumbull Avenue;
      North Pine Avenue at East State and East Silver Streets;
      South Pine Avenue at East State Street and Grace Place;
      Pine Hollow Boulevard at Smith Avenue;
      Pitt Street at Dock Street, North Railroad, Vine Avenue, and Shenango Avenue;
      Pitt Street at Shenango, Vine and North Railroad Avenues;
      Plum Street at New Castle, South Oakland, Spruce, Cedar, Baldwin, Sherman, Stambaugh, Wengler, Spencer, Service, Shady, Smith and Carnegie Avenues;
      Prindle Street at Baldwin Avenue in an east-west direction on Prindle Street;
      Prindle Street at South Oakland, Stambaugh and Cedar Avenues and Connelly Boulevard;
      Prindle Street at Spruce Avenue;
      Prospect Street at Walnut, Alderman and New Castle Avenues;
      Puritan Street at Forker Boulevard and Trumbull Avenue;
      Putman Street at Forker Boulevard and Trumbull Avenue;
      Quarry Place at Euclid and Norris Avenues;
      Quinby Street at New Castle and Spearman Avenues and Ravine Place;
      North Railroad Avenue at Pitt and East Silver Streets;
      South Railroad Avenue at East Connelly Boulevard;
      Ravine Place at Quinby and George Streets;
      Reed Street at North Sharpsville and Fourth Avenues;
      Reno Street at Shenango, Vine and North Railroad Avenues;
      Rex Place at Ormond Avenue;
      Richmond Drive at Highland Road;
      Ridge Way at Ellsworth and Madison Streets;
      Riverside Drive at West Budd Street;
      Robinson Place and Fourth Avenue;
      Robinson Place at Fourth, Fifth and North Oakland Avenues;
      Rose Court at Penn Avenue;
      Russell Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Sacred Heart Court at West State Street;
      Saunders Avenue at Clark, Fisher Hill and Tamplin Streets;
      Second Avenue at East Silver Street and North Street;
      Serb Way at Walnut Avenue;
      Service Avenue at Spencer Avenue, Glenwood Drive and Griswold, Plum, Park and George Streets;
      Shady Avenue at Glenwood Drive, East Connelly Boulevard and Griswold, Plum, Park and George Streets;
      Shenango Avenue at Silver Street;
      Shenango Street at Pitt, Reno and East Clark Streets;
      Sherman Avenue at Prindle, King, Leslie, East Budd, Morrison, Division, Idaho, French and Union Streets;
      East Silver Street at North Railroad Avenue;
      West Silver Street at North Irvine Avenue;
      Sharon Senior High School Roadway at East State Street;
      Silver Street at Dock Street, westbound;
      Silver Street at Shenango Avenue and Vine Avenue;
      Smith Avenue at Strawbridge Avenue, Glenwood Drive and East State, Griswold and George Streets;
      Spearman Avenue at George Street and the northern terminus at an east and west alley;
      Spearman Avenue, both ways, at its intersection with Quinby Street;
      Spencer Avenue at Glenwood Drive and Griswold, Plum, Park and George Streets;
      Spruce Avenue at Prindle, Leslie, Plum, East Budd, Morrison, George and King Streets and Edgewood Drive;
      Stambaugh Avenue at French, Idaho and Union Streets, in a southerly direction;
      Stambaugh Avenue at George and Division Streets, in a northerly and southerly direction;
      Stanton Street at Forker Boulevard and Carley Avenue;
      North State Line Road at Russell, Curtis, Lincoln and Madison Streets, in a northerly direction;
      South State Line Road at West State Street, Columbia, Lorain, Davis and Erie Streets, in a northerly direction;
      Sterling Avenue at West Budd Street and Connelly Boulevard;
      Stewart Avenue at East Budd Street;
      Strawbridge Avenue at East State Street, Glenwood Drive and Smith Avenue;
      Tamplin Street at North Sharpsville Avenue, Hall Avenue and Hadley Place;
      Tanner Street at Furnace Road and Heinz Avenue;
      Taylor Avenue at East State Street;
      Tenth Avenue at French, Idaho and Division Streets, in a southerly direction;
      Third Avenue and alley off of Silver Street;
      Third Avenue at East Silver Street and North Street;
      Thomas Avenue at Dickons Place;
      Thomas Avenue Connection at Thomas Avenue;
      Thornton Street at Hall Avenue;
      Union Street at Cedar Avenue in a westerly direction and Stambaugh Avenue in an easterly direction;
      Unnamed alley at Wengler Avenue;
      Vernon Court at South Irvine Avenue;
      Vine Avenue at Pitt, Reno and Franklin Streets;
      Vine Avenue at Silver Street;
      Wallis Avenue at Quinby and George Streets;
      Walnut Avenue at Shenango Valley Freeway and Orchard and East Budd Streets;
      Washington Street at South Irvine Avenue;
      Watson Street at First Avenue;
      Wayne Place at South Dock Avenue and Shenango Valley Freeway;
      Weaver Way at Hedge Place;
      Wengler Avenue at Glenwood Drive, East Connelly Boulevard, and Griswold, Clover, Haig, George, Division East State, Leslie and Plum Streets, and midway between State and Glenwood at alleyway;
      Westerman Street at Buhl Boulevard;
      Wheeler Place at South Irvine Avenue;
      White Avenue at East State Street, Glenwood Drive, Griswold Street and Connelly Boulevard;
      Wilson Street at North Water Avenue and North State Line Road;
      Wishart Court at North Sharpsville Avenue;
      Woodland Place at Carnegie and Crowder Avenues;
      Woodlawn Avenue at McDowell Street;
      Woodrow Court at East State Street and at an alley running east and west from the rear of the St. Joseph School;
      Wood Way at Grant, Wilson and Lincoln Streets;
      Yahres Road at Forker Boulevard and Carley Avenue;
      Yazvac Place at Penn and Shenango Avenues;
      York Way at Alderman and New Castle Avenues; and
      Two alleys running from New Castle and Malleable Streets.
(Ord. 4-78. Passed 2-22-78; Ord. 25-79. Passed 11-14-79; Ord. 16-80. Passed 8-13-80; Ord. 19-81. Passed 6-24-81; Ord. 25-81. Passed 9-23-81; Ord. 12-82. Passed 7-28-82; Ord. 23-82. Passed 11-18-82; Ord. 19-83. Passed 7-21-83; Ord. 20-83. Passed 7-21-83; Ord. 26-83. Passed 9-28-83; Ord. 12-85. Passed 7-24-85; Ord. 11-87. Passed 7-16-87; Ord. 3-88. Passed 3-30-88; Ord. 7-88. Passed 7-27-88; Ord. 11-88. Passed 10-26-88; Ord. 7-89. Passed 6-28-89; Ord. 10-89. Passed 8-22-89; Ord. 18-91. Passed 10-23-91; Ord. 5-92. Passed 3-25-92; Ord. 11-92. Passed 6-24-92; Ord. 20-92. Passed 9-23-92; Ord. 22-92. Passed 10-21-92; Ord. 24-92. Passed 11-24-92; Ord. 2-93. Passed 5-26-93; Ord. 3-93; Passed 5-26-93; Ord. 7-93. Passed 8-25-93; Ord. 8-93. Passed 9-22-93; Ord. 4-94. Passed 4-28-94; Ord. 13-94. Passed 11-22-94; Ord. 12-95. Passed 9-28-95; Ord. 6-97. Passed 8-28-97; Ord. 8-97. Passed 9-25-97; Ord. 9-97. Passed 10-23-97; Ord. 10-97. Passed 10-23-97; Ord. 2-98A. Passed 3-24-98; Ord. 24-98. Passed 1-28-99; Ord. 25-98. Passed 1-28-99; Ord. 6-99. Passed 4-27-99; Ord. 10-99. Passed 10-25-99; Ord. 11-99. Passed 10-25-99; Ord. 9-00. Passed 5-25-00; Ord. 20-00. Passed 9-27-00; Ord. 5-01. Passed 7-18-01; Ord. 11-02. Passed 7-18-02; Ord. 30-02. Passed 12-19-02; Ord. 10-03. Passed 8-21-03; Ord. 10-04. Passed 11-23-04; Ord. 12-05. Passed 8-18-05; Ord. 13-05. Passed 8-18-05. Ord. 15-05. Passed 9-15-05. Ord. 16-05. Passed 10-20-05; Ord. 20-06. Passed 12-21-06; Ord. 14-13. Passed 1-16-14; Ord. 20-14. Passed 12- -14; Ord. 21-14. Passed 12- -14; Ord. 22-14. Passed 12- -14; Ord. 09-15. Passed 10-15-15; Ord. 11-16. Passed 12-15-16; Ord. 06-18. Passed 6-20-18; Ord. 09-23. Passed 10-18-23.)